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Apr 30, 2013

Lowongan Document Control via PT CHRISDA SARANA SAE (CSS)

The Company
PT CHRISDA SARANA SAE (CSS) is a Human Resource Consultant company.
The company was established in July, 2000 and is recognized as a
Recruitment Specialist and Contract Personnel Services for Local and
Multinational Companies throughout Indonesia, and overseas. PT CSS is
a company proud of its record in the field of Personnel Recruitment
and Selection, Manpower Supply, Contract Personnel in :
* General Mining
* Oil Company & Oil Drilling Services
* Oil & Gas sector, especially in EPC (Engineering, Procurement &
* Manufacturing & Fabrication
* Petrochemical Industry
* General Civil & Heavy Constructions
* Power Plant
* General Trading



1. Experience minimum 3-5/6 years.
2. Contract 3 Month Based On Kalimantan
3. Range Salary Flexible

If you meet the requirements, please send your application, resume,
and latest photograph oktrina.angelia@chrisdasaranasae.co.id