PT. GEOSERVICES is a national company that has a solid base of expertise
covering all aspects of the exploration and development of Indonesia's
oil, gas, coal, mineral, and geothermal industries. Originally providing
field sampling and chemical analysis for the mineral industry, PT.
GEOSERVICES has diversified its services and broadened its clientele.
Today it is a one-stop organization that can fulfill all exploration and
analysis requirements for each of the industrial sectors it serves
Currently we are seeking for suitable candidate to fill the following
Budget Control Staff
Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Selatan
* Bertanggung jawab atas penyusunan dan penggabungan budget tahunan
* Memastikan kontrol terhadap budget tiap divisi perusahaan melalui
proses pengawasan secara berkala atas transaksi yang berjalan
dibandingkan dengan budget yang telah disusun.
* Melakukan analisa atas penyimpangan yang ada dan efek secara
finansial terhadap perusahaan.
* Menjalankan tugas-tugas terkait lainnya.
* Wanita
* Lulusan S1 Akuntansi
* Pengalaman kerja 1 tahun
* Menguasai Ms. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
* Menguasai Akuntansi & Laporan Keuangan
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris
Please submit your application letter with detail CV / Resume to <>
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