- Senior Company Man (SCM)
- Junior Company Man (JCM)
a. Pendidikan Min. S1 atau AKAMIGAS ( SCM )
b. Pendidikan Min S1 (JCM)
c. Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan Computer min. Word Processor dan
d. Pengalaman Kerja minimal 10 tahun ( SCM ) dan 5 tahun (JCM) di
perusahaan minyak dan gas sebagai Company Man atau Drilling Supervisor
e. Memiliki sertifikat AP III yang diterbitkan oleh Dirjen Migas dan
masih berlaku
f. Memiliki Pengetahuan tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dengan baik
g. Bersedia ditugaskan di seluruh area kerja PT. Pertamina EP.
Kirimkan surat Lamaran Lengkap ke:
JL. Taman Kemang No. 21 Mampang Prapatan
Jakarta 021-7182353
Atau Email : info@carana.co.id
Put your keyword here ... ex.: finance, secretary, geologist, welder
Sep 25, 2013
Vacancy : Engineering Manager, Project Control Manager, QA/QC Manager, HSE Manager
We are a well established Oil & Gas Contractor Company in Indonesia is
looking for:
A. Engineering Manager
Minimum 10 years experience totally in civil/building engineering or
construction for post graduate degree or 15 years experience for
degree in civil/structure engineering. Have wide spread experience of
engineering in Engineering Design, Project Construction, Project
Supervision and Project Control.
B. Project Control Manager
Minimum 10 years experience totally in project management construction
for post degree and 15 years experience for degree. Has experience on
EPC Project Management, particularly as Project Control.
C. QA/QC Manager
Minimum 10 years experience totally in project management construction
for post degree and 15 years experience for degree. Has an experience
on EPC Project Management, particularly in QA/QC team.
D. HSE Manager
Minimum 15 years experience totally in HSE engineering and/or
Supervisor or project construction. Has experience with any HSE
requirement of engineering or procedures. Capable in HSE philosophy
If you are interested, please send your complete CV + Copy Certificate
from University and other supporting documents to
e_recruit_oilgas@yahoo.com including your expected salary per month
(monthly rate) or per day (daily rate).
We are looking forward to your applications.
looking for:
A. Engineering Manager
Minimum 10 years experience totally in civil/building engineering or
construction for post graduate degree or 15 years experience for
degree in civil/structure engineering. Have wide spread experience of
engineering in Engineering Design, Project Construction, Project
Supervision and Project Control.
B. Project Control Manager
Minimum 10 years experience totally in project management construction
for post degree and 15 years experience for degree. Has experience on
EPC Project Management, particularly as Project Control.
C. QA/QC Manager
Minimum 10 years experience totally in project management construction
for post degree and 15 years experience for degree. Has an experience
on EPC Project Management, particularly in QA/QC team.
D. HSE Manager
Minimum 15 years experience totally in HSE engineering and/or
Supervisor or project construction. Has experience with any HSE
requirement of engineering or procedures. Capable in HSE philosophy
If you are interested, please send your complete CV + Copy Certificate
from University and other supporting documents to
e_recruit_oilgas@yahoo.com including your expected salary per month
(monthly rate) or per day (daily rate).
We are looking forward to your applications.
Vacancy : Corporate Account Executive (CAE)
PT. Sahabat Utama (www.sahabatutama.com) is a Group National Company with
specialty in retailer and distributor of exclusive pen in Indonesia since 1992,
known as Parker Pen, Rotring, and
expanding their market in many lines business, we dare the best performance
candidates to join our team as :
Expired Date : 11th October 2013
Requirements :
* Male/Female
* Max 30 Years Old
* Bachelor Degree with min. 1 year experience in direct selling
* Good presentation and negotiation skill, high mobility so
preferebly having own vehicle
* We offer fix income, allowances, and attractive incentives for high
achiever employo.
Drop your complete resume (CAE for email Subject) to our email :
specialty in retailer and distributor of exclusive pen in Indonesia since 1992,
known as Parker Pen, Rotring, and
expanding their market in many lines business, we dare the best performance
candidates to join our team as :
Expired Date : 11th October 2013
Requirements :
* Male/Female
* Max 30 Years Old
* Bachelor Degree with min. 1 year experience in direct selling
* Good presentation and negotiation skill, high mobility so
preferebly having own vehicle
* We offer fix income, allowances, and attractive incentives for high
achiever employo.
Drop your complete resume (CAE for email Subject) to our email :
Sep 24, 2013
Lowongan Pertamina (PERSERO)
Asset Management - Assistant Divestasi ( GADASMK303 )
Job Description
1. Menyusun analisis dasar terhadap aset termasuk pertanahan yang
perlu didivestasi.
2. Berkoordinasi dengan Asset Utilization melengkapi dokumen untuk
divestasi aset termasuk pertanahan atau melaporkan aset termasuk
pertanahan yang bisa didivestasi dengan kondisi yang ada.
3. Menyusun, menganalisis dan melaksanakan konsep strategi
perencanaan dan pengembangan pemanfaatan optimalisasi APU sehingga
dapat berdaya guna dan memberikan manfaat optimal bagi perusahaan.
4. Menyusun, menganalisis dan melaksanakan kajian optimalisasi APU
antara lain Studi Kelayakan, Highest and Best Used (HBU) Study,
Rencana Induk Pengembangan(Master Plan).
5. Melakukan proses divestasi dengan cara penjualan untuk aset yang
sudah tidak layak dan tidak digunakan lagi oleh fungsi operasi
Job Requirement
- S1 Hukum / Ekonomi
- Minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang pengelolaan asset
Asset Management - Officer Land Certification- ( GADASM1301 )
Job Description
1. Mengevaluasi hasil identifikasi dan menganalisis pemasalahan tanah
dalam rangka peningkatan status kepemilikan tanah milik Perusahaan.
2. Menyusun dan mengevaluasi perencanaan dan pelaksanaan seluruh
rangkaian kegiatan peningkatkan status kepemilikan tanah Perusahaan.
3. Menyusun dan menganalisa perencanaan pelaksanaan kerjasama dengan
instansi pemerintah / pihak lain dalam rangka peningkatan status
kepemilikan tanah milik perusahaan.
4. Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi kegiatan pengadaan/akuisisi tanah
yang dibutuhkan oleh Perusahaan.
5. Merencanakan, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi kegiatan Land Patrol
guna memantau kondisi bidang-bidang tanah milik Perusahaan menjamin
keamanannya, dan melaporkan hasil pantauan tersebut dalam bentuk
laporan berkala atas hasil kegiatan Land Patrol.
Job Requirement
- S1 Hukum/Ekonomi
- Minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang hukum pertanahan
Asset Management - Senior Supervisor Contract & Monitoring ( GADASMK302 )
Job Description
1. Mengevaluasi penyusunan aspek bisnis pada klausul perjannan sewa
APU dengan Fungsi Hukum berdasarkan prinsip best practices, mutual
benefit, win-win solution sesuai regulasi yang berlaku.
2. Mengevaluasi pelaksanaan perjanjian sewa APU dengan mitra guna
memastikan pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban sesuai kesepakatan.
3. Mengawasi pengumpulan dan pengadministrasian bahan, data dan
informasi peraturan dan produk hukum internal maupun eksternal terkait
optirnalisasi APU.
4. Mengawasi pelaksanaan tindakan yang diperlukan untuk menjaga
loyalitas tenants optimalisasi APU antara lain melalui survey kepuasan
bagi tenants guna mengetahui ekspektasi dan persepsi tenants sebagai
pedoman penyusunan strategi perbaikan kinerja pada periode
Job Requirement
- S1 Hukum
-Manajemen dan pengelolaan aset (Asset Management/Property Management,
Business Management/Marketing Management)
- Penyelesaian sengketa pertanahan (Legal Property)
- Kajian optimalisasi aset antara lain Studi Kelayakan, HBU study,
Master Plan, Market Research, Studi Penilaian Aset (Asset Valuation),
Project management
- Minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang hukum khususnya contract drafting
Corporate Strategic Growth - Assistant Manager Financial Model ( PIMCSGK303 )
Job Description
1. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan penilaian terhadap faktor
lingkungan internal dan eksternal untuk positioning perusahaan dalam 5
tahun ke depan.
2. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan sasaran strategis jangka
panjang (5 tahunan) di tingkat korporat, unit bisnis dan anak
3. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan perencanaan dan monitoring
program kerja jangka panjang di tingkat korporat, unit bisnis dan anak
perusahaan (RJPP) secara tahunan.
4. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan kajian inisiatif investasi dan
inisitiaf strategis untuk RJPP, termasuk kebutuhan pembiayaannya,
serta dampaknya pada kondisi keuangan jangka panjang perusahaan.
5. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan evaluasi kajian skema dan
struktur model pengembangan untuk mendukung RJPP.
Job Requirement
- Usia min 30
- S1 Teknik/Ekonomi
- Financial Modelling
- Corporate Strategic Management
- Proses Bisnis
- Corporate Financing Optimisasi
- Budgeting
- Risk Management
- Memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan&pengalaman di bidang
planning&strategy management secara korporat,baik di institusi
pemerintah maupun di industri minyak&gas nasional/internasional
- Memiliki pengetahuan,keterampilan & pengalaman implementasi di
bidang planning & strategy management di unit bisnis/direktorat/anak
- Pernah memegang project dengan menggunakan kaedah-kaedah project
management yang berskala nasional maupun regional dengan berpedoman
pada best practices lebih dari 10 tahun.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis dengan
pihak asing serta pengalaman negosia
Corporate Strategic Growth - Assistant Manager Gas & Infrastructure
Strategic Planning ( PIMCSGK304 )
Job Description
1. Menganalisa faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal bisnis gas dan
infrastruktur operasi perusahaan untuk positioning perusahaan dalam 5
tahun ke depan.
2. Menyusun sasaran strategis dan formulasi strategi bisnis gas dan
infrastruktur operasi perusahaan jangka panjang (5 tahunan) di tingkat
korporat, unit bisnis dan anak perusahaan.
3. Menyusun RJPP, proses review dan Rolling Out RJPP bisnis gas dan
infrastruktur operasi perusahaan secara tahunan.
4. Membuat rencana inisiatif investasi dan inisitiaf strategis bisnis
gas dan infrastruktur operasi perusahaan termasuk biaya yang
ditimbulkan serta revenue yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan RJPP.
5. Mengkaji skema dan struktur model pengembangan bisnis gas dan
infrastruktur operasi perusahaan secara korporat untuk mendukung RJPP
Job Requirement
- Usia Minimum 30 tahun
- S1 Teknik/Ekonomi
- Memiliki keterampilan dan pengalaman di bidang planning dan strategy
management secara korporat, baik di institusi pemerintah maupun di
industri minyak dan gas nasional atau internasional
- Memiliki keterampilan dan pengalaman implementasi di bidang planning
dan strategy management di unit bisnis / direktorat / anak perusahaan
- Pernah memegang project dengan menggunakan kaedah-kaedah project
management yang berskala nasional maupun regional dengan berpedoman
pada best practices lebih dari 3 tahun
- Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dan komputer yang sangat baik
- Minimal 10 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan, strategy
development, pelaksanaan proyek-proyek
Corporate Strategic Growth - Assistant Manager Gas Project Investment
( PIMCSGK301 )
Job Description
1. Melakukan analisa kajian evaluasi/validasi & rekomendasi atas
usulan investasi gas hilir utk proyek baru & eksisting yg di usulkan
kembali dgn mengacu pada parameter keekonomian yg ditetapkan dgn fokus
utama pada return yg optimal & tingkat risiko yg terkontrol
berdasarkan pertimbangan ekonomi,teknologi,dampak lingkungan,analisa
pasar,trend harga,lingkup proyek,nilai investasi serta faktor bisnis
lainnya yg dapat mempengaruhi keputusan investasi.
2. Melakukan analisa kajian strategi gas hilir & struktur skema
bisnis gas hilir utk kegiatan pengembangan bisnis yg melibatkan
kerjasama dgn pihak lain,termasuk mengkoordinasikan evaluasi &
penilaian calon partner berdasarkan hasil due diligence serta
informasi lain yg tersedia sesuai dgn prosedur pemilihan partner yg
telah ditetapkan
Job Requirement
Background Pendidikan:
- S2/S1 Teknik Industri/Teknik Perminyakan/Teknik Kimia/Teknik
Geologi/Administrasi Bisnis/Manajemen
Kemampuan & Kompetensi:
1. Engineering Economic & Financial Analisis
2. Financial Analisis
3. Petroleum Economic
4. Business Development
5. Memiliki pemahaman dan pengalaman dalam mengevaluasi bisnis downstream
- Minimal 10 tahun pengalaman dalam Bisnis Downstream Oil & Gas
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Corporate & Portofolio Risk ( PIMERMK303 )
Job Description
1. Menyusun konsep strategi dan kebijakan semua aspek risiko secara
portofolio, investasi dan pengembangan bisnis aset non operasi (baik
hulu maupun hilir serta anak perusahaan dan afilisasinya) serta risiko
perubahan regulasi dan compliance.
2. Menemukenali dan menguraikan risiko secara portofolio, investasi
dan pengembangan bisnis aset non operasi (baik hulu maupun hilir serta
anak perusahaan dan afilisasinya) serta risiko perubahan regulasi dan
compliance yang melekat pada setiap aktivitas berdasarkan lingkup
pengelolaan risiko yang telah ditentukan pada tahap sebelumnya.
3. Melakukan kajian mengenai kesesuaian risiko perusahaan terhadap
risk appetite dan risk tolerance perusahaan.
Job Requirement
- S1 Teknik elektro/Teknik Kimia/Teknik Mesin/Teknik
Perminyakan/Hukum/Statistik/Manajemen Keuangan
- Memahami proses bisnis hulu - hilir migas.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang portofolio usaha/bisnis.
- Memahami proses dan mekanisme pengusulan investasi.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang project management
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan
maupun tulisan)
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan bisnis,
manajemen resiko, hukum bisnis, portofolio & investasi
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Downstream Operational Risk ( PIMERMK302 )
Job Description
1. Merencanakan konsep kebijakan penanganan risiko stand alone dan
portofolio yang mencakup kegiatan operasional (on-going business),
investasi dan kehandalan aset di Direktorat Hilir, Anak Perusahaan
Hilir dan afiliasinya.
2. Menemukenali dan menguraikan risiko stand alone dan portofolio
yang mencakup kegiatan operasional (on-going business), investasi dan
kehandalan aset di Direktorat Hilir, Anak Perusahaan Hilir dan
afiliasinya berdasarkan lingkup pengelolaan risiko yang telah
ditentukan pada tahap sebelumnya.
3. Melakukan kajian mengenai kesesuaian risiko perusahaan terhadap
risk appetite dan risk tolerance perusahaan.
4. Menyiapkan dan menyampaikan laporan profil risiko yang meliputi
kemungkinan dan analisa faktor penyebab serta ketidakpastian yang
disebabkan oleh risiko.
Job Requirement
- S1 Teknik Eektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik
Perminyakan/Hukum/Statistik/Manajemen Keuangan
- Memahami proses bisnis hilir migas.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang portofolio usaha/bisnis.
- Memahami proses dan mekanisme pengusulan investasi.
- Memahami project management
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan
maupun tulisan)
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang operasi hulu migas,
pelaksanaan proyek-proyek, portofolio & investasi
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Financial & Business Risk ( PIMERMK304 )
Job Description
1. Melakukan risk identification, risk assessment, dan risk treatment,
serta monitoring terhadap tindak lanjutnya.
2. Membuat pedoman untuk menilai risiko finansial dan bisnis.
3. Memeriksa dan monitoring pelaksanaan mitigasi risiko, yang
meliputi pendokumentasian risiko yang berada di dalam risk register,
melakukan prioritas untuk risiko yang mendesak.
4. Melakukan kajian tingkat kesesuaian proyek dengan target Perusahaan
sebagaimana tertuang dalam RKAP dan RJPP.
5. Melakukan perhitungan teknis dan perhitungan ekonomi untuk
mendalami probabilitas risiko seperti kompetisi, perubahan kebijakan
dan peraturan, diversifikasi, penawaran dan permintaan, siklus produk,
harga komoditas, valuta asing, opportunity cost, biaya modal, dll.
Job Requirement
- S1 Manajemen Keuangan/Hukum/Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik
- Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai identifikasi risiko, penilaian risiko,
strategi mitigasi risiko, metode, dan prosesnya.
- Memiliki pemahaman dalam hal statistical analysis.
- Memiliki kemampuan dalam analisa atas laporan keuangan.
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan
maupun tulisan)
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan bisnis,
manajemen resiko, hukum bisnis, portofolio & investasi
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Policy, Compliance & Legal Risk (
Job Description
1. Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko umum dalam risiko kebijakan,
peraturan, dan risiko sebagai dampak dari kegiatan operasional,
investasi (misalnya M & A, Anak Perusahaan / Joint Venture),
pendanaan, transaksi, dan proyek ad-hoc dengan mereview aturan hukum,
kontrak internal dan eksternal, referensi, kebijakan, dan peraturan.
2. Mengawasi risiko seluruh Perusahaan dan memetakan risiko serta
pemilik risiko (risk owner).
3. Menilai potensi atas tingkat keparahan / dampak komersil / dampak
hukum sebagai akibat dari kerugian.
4. Menyiapkan dan menyampaikan laporan profil risiko, yang meliputi
probabilitas dan analisa faktor penyebab, serta ketidakpastian yang
disebabkan oleh risiko.
Job Requirement
- S1 Hukum/Manajemen Keuangan/Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik Perminyakan
- Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai hukum negara yang spesifik, ketentuan
perundang-undangan, prosedur pengadilan, panduan, Peraturan
Pemerintah, aturan-aturan dari badan pemerintah, kontrak, kebijakan
internal dan eksternal.
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk merancang dan menyusun langkah penenerapan
aturan & kebijakan dengan baik.
- Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai identifikasi risiko, penilaian
risiko, strategi mitigasi risiko, metode, dan prosesnya.
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan
maupun tulisan)
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan bisnis,
manajemen resiko, hukum bisnis, portofolio & investasi
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Upstream Operational Risk ( PIMERK1301 )
Job Description
1. Merencanakan konsep kebijakan penanganan risiko stand alone dan portofolio yang mencakup kegiatan operasional (on-going business), investasi dan kehandalan aset di direktorat hulu, Anak Perusahaan Hulu dan afiliasi yang terkait dengan Direktorat Hulu.
2. Menemukenali dan menguraikan risiko stand alone dan portofolio yang mencakup kegiatan operasional (on-going business), investasi dan kehandalan aset di Direktorat Hulu, Anak Perusahaan Hulu dan afiliasinya
3. Melakukan kajian mengenai kesesuaian risiko perusahaan terhadap risk appetite dan risk tolerance perusahaan.
4. Menyiapkan dan menyampaikan laporan profil risiko yang meliputi kemungkinan dan analisa faktor penyebab serta ketidakpastian yang disebabkan oleh risiko.Job RequirementPendidikan:
- S1 Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik Perminyakan/Hukum/Statistik/Manajemen KeuanganKompetensi:
- Memahami proses bisnis hulu migas.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang portofolio usaha/bisnis.
- Memahami proses dan mekanisme pengusulan investasi.
- Memahami project management
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan)Pengalaman:
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang operasi hulu migas, pelaksanaan proyek-proyek, portofolio & investasi
Financial Risk Insurance - Analyst Marketing & Trading Insurance ( FINFRIK302 )
Job Description
1. Melakukan analisan dan evaluasi kebutuhan jaminan/risiko terhadap property kilang/aktivitas/kepentingan yang akan diasuransikan kepada hasil valuation survey, perhitungan Estimate Maximum Loss (EML) dan risk survey
2. Melakukan analisa dan kajian kondisi pasar asuransi non marine
Mendata dan melakukan konsolidasi semua property kilang/aktivitas/kepentingan yang akan diasuransikan dari fungsi Marketing & Trading
3. Melaksanakan pengadaan/penutupan asuransi
4. Melakukan analisa dan evaluasi terhadap polis asuransi non marine, melakukan proses pembayaran premi, mengalokasi beban biaya premi dan melaksanakan proses penerimaan klaim asuransi.
5. Melaksanakan klaim asuransi, monitoring proses klaim termasuk melakukan konsolidasi dengan institusi external.Job RequirementPendidikan:
- S1 EkonomiKompetensi:
- Memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai risk management
- Memiliki pengetahuan dasar, prinsip dan program asuransi (Basic Insurance)
- Memiliki pengetahuan mekanisme pasar asuransi, proses penempatan risiko (risk placing), terms & conditions dan proses klaim asuransi
- Memiliki pengetahuan terms & conditions asuransi property, third party liability, D&Oliability, project insurance.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang pengadaan barang
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang sistem MySAP, GRC, Insurance Management, Sistem Project InsurancePengalaman:
- Minimal 5 tahun di bidang Insurance Risk
Gas - Analyst Business Development Risk ( GASSBDK305 )
Job Description
1. Melaksanakan strategi serta kebijakan penanganan risiko Pengembangan Bisnis/Investment & Financial/Portofolio dari Bisnis Gas dlm memperkirakan efektivitas risk management serta dampak yg ditimbulkan terhadap pencapaian target di Direktorat Gas beserta anak perusahaan.
2. Melaksanakan identifikasi seluruh jenis risiko (Pengembangan Bisnis/Investment & Financial/Portofolio) yg melekat pada setiap aktivitas, operasi & transaksi baik internal maupun eksternal dalam proses bisnis.
3. Melakukan analisa dan mengajukan rekomendasi strategis yg bersifat responsif maupun antisipatif terhadap risiko & peluang risiko (Pengembangan Bisnis/Investment & Financial/Portofolio)
4. Membuat laporan pengelolaan terhadap exposure resiko (Pengembangan Bisnis/Investment & Financial/Portofolio)Job RequirementBackground Pendidikan:
- S1/S2 Manajemen/Teknik Industri/FinanceKemampuan dan Kompetensi:
1. Mempunyai pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan implementasi mengenai bisnis Gas dan mata rantai bisnis terkait, Risk Management, Business Development, Project Management
2. Mampu berkomunikasi secara aktif menggunakan bahasa inggrisPengalaman:
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 5 tahun di operasional bidang yang terkait dengan rantai bisnis Gas
Gas - Analyst Operational Risk ( GASSBDK304 )
Job Description
1. Melaksanakan strategi serta kebijakan penanganan risiko Operasional dan Legal dari Bisnis Gas dengan memperhitungkan kapabilitas perusahaan untuk menjadi pedoman dalam memperkirakan efektivitas risk management serta dampak yang ditimbulkan terhadap pencapaian target di Direktorat Gas beserta anak perusahaan.
2. Melaksanakan identifikasi seluruh jenis risiko (Operasional, Legal & Admin) yg melekat pada setiap aktivitas, operasi dan transaksi baik internal maupun eksternal dalam proses bisnis perusahaan yang berpotensi merugikan perusahaan
3. Mengukur exposure risiko perusahaan(Operasional, Legal & Admin) terhadap seluruh aktivitas bisnis atau konsentrasi bisnis perusahaan.
4. Melakukan analisa dan mengajukan rekomendasi strategis yg bersifat responsif maupun antisipatif terhadap risikoJob RequirementBackground Pendidikan:
- S1/S2 Manajemen,Hukum,Teknik IndustriKemampuan & Kompetensi:
1. Mempunyai pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan implementasi mengenai bisnis Gas dan mata rantai bisnis terkait, Risk Management, Project Management
2. Mampu berkomunikasi aktif dengan menggunakan bahasa inggrisPengalaman:
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 5 tahun di operasional bidang yang terkait dengan rantai bisnis Gas
Gas - Analyst Performance ( GASSBDK306 )
Job Description
1. Membuat pelaksanaan evaluasi realisasi kinerja atas target tahunan, masing-masing Anak Perusahaan(AP)/Affiliasi yang terkait meliputi aspek finansial, operasi dan kepatuhan.
2. Membuat analisa performance bisnis Direktorat Gas/AP/Afiliasi.
3. Membuat analisa pelaksanaan sinergisitas bisnis Gas antar AP/Affiliasi termasuk dokumen-dokumen pendukungnya.
4. Membuat analisa pembinaan profesi pekerja perbantuan di AP/Affiliasi yang terkait dengan Gas dalam hal peningkatan kompetensi, maupun career planning dan succession planning sesuai dengan perencanaan SDMJob RequirementBackground Pendidikan:
- S1/S2 Manajemen,Teknik IndustriKemampuan dan Kompetensi:
1. Mempunyai pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan implementasi mengenai bisnis Gas dan mata rantai bisnis terkait, Performance Management System, Risk Management, Project Management.
2. mampu berkomunikasi secara aktif menggunakan bahasa inggris.Pengalaman:
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 5 tahun di operasional bidang yang terkait dengan rantai bisnis Gas
Please submit your application letter and resume to our official
website : http://recruitment.pertamina.com
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) sama sekali tidak memungut biaya apapun dalam
proses rekrutmen ini. Apabila ada oknum yang mengatasnamakan Pertamina
dan menjanjikan sesuatu dengan imbalan tertentu, harap melaporkan
kepada Contact Pertamina di telepon 500-000 atau email:
Job Description
1. Menyusun analisis dasar terhadap aset termasuk pertanahan yang
perlu didivestasi.
2. Berkoordinasi dengan Asset Utilization melengkapi dokumen untuk
divestasi aset termasuk pertanahan atau melaporkan aset termasuk
pertanahan yang bisa didivestasi dengan kondisi yang ada.
3. Menyusun, menganalisis dan melaksanakan konsep strategi
perencanaan dan pengembangan pemanfaatan optimalisasi APU sehingga
dapat berdaya guna dan memberikan manfaat optimal bagi perusahaan.
4. Menyusun, menganalisis dan melaksanakan kajian optimalisasi APU
antara lain Studi Kelayakan, Highest and Best Used (HBU) Study,
Rencana Induk Pengembangan(Master Plan).
5. Melakukan proses divestasi dengan cara penjualan untuk aset yang
sudah tidak layak dan tidak digunakan lagi oleh fungsi operasi
Job Requirement
- S1 Hukum / Ekonomi
- Minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang pengelolaan asset
Asset Management - Officer Land Certification- ( GADASM1301 )
Job Description
1. Mengevaluasi hasil identifikasi dan menganalisis pemasalahan tanah
dalam rangka peningkatan status kepemilikan tanah milik Perusahaan.
2. Menyusun dan mengevaluasi perencanaan dan pelaksanaan seluruh
rangkaian kegiatan peningkatkan status kepemilikan tanah Perusahaan.
3. Menyusun dan menganalisa perencanaan pelaksanaan kerjasama dengan
instansi pemerintah / pihak lain dalam rangka peningkatan status
kepemilikan tanah milik perusahaan.
4. Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi kegiatan pengadaan/akuisisi tanah
yang dibutuhkan oleh Perusahaan.
5. Merencanakan, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi kegiatan Land Patrol
guna memantau kondisi bidang-bidang tanah milik Perusahaan menjamin
keamanannya, dan melaporkan hasil pantauan tersebut dalam bentuk
laporan berkala atas hasil kegiatan Land Patrol.
Job Requirement
- S1 Hukum/Ekonomi
- Minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang hukum pertanahan
Asset Management - Senior Supervisor Contract & Monitoring ( GADASMK302 )
Job Description
1. Mengevaluasi penyusunan aspek bisnis pada klausul perjannan sewa
APU dengan Fungsi Hukum berdasarkan prinsip best practices, mutual
benefit, win-win solution sesuai regulasi yang berlaku.
2. Mengevaluasi pelaksanaan perjanjian sewa APU dengan mitra guna
memastikan pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban sesuai kesepakatan.
3. Mengawasi pengumpulan dan pengadministrasian bahan, data dan
informasi peraturan dan produk hukum internal maupun eksternal terkait
optirnalisasi APU.
4. Mengawasi pelaksanaan tindakan yang diperlukan untuk menjaga
loyalitas tenants optimalisasi APU antara lain melalui survey kepuasan
bagi tenants guna mengetahui ekspektasi dan persepsi tenants sebagai
pedoman penyusunan strategi perbaikan kinerja pada periode
Job Requirement
- S1 Hukum
-Manajemen dan pengelolaan aset (Asset Management/Property Management,
Business Management/Marketing Management)
- Penyelesaian sengketa pertanahan (Legal Property)
- Kajian optimalisasi aset antara lain Studi Kelayakan, HBU study,
Master Plan, Market Research, Studi Penilaian Aset (Asset Valuation),
Project management
- Minimal 5 tahun dalam bidang hukum khususnya contract drafting
Corporate Strategic Growth - Assistant Manager Financial Model ( PIMCSGK303 )
Job Description
1. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan penilaian terhadap faktor
lingkungan internal dan eksternal untuk positioning perusahaan dalam 5
tahun ke depan.
2. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan sasaran strategis jangka
panjang (5 tahunan) di tingkat korporat, unit bisnis dan anak
3. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan perencanaan dan monitoring
program kerja jangka panjang di tingkat korporat, unit bisnis dan anak
perusahaan (RJPP) secara tahunan.
4. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan kajian inisiatif investasi dan
inisitiaf strategis untuk RJPP, termasuk kebutuhan pembiayaannya,
serta dampaknya pada kondisi keuangan jangka panjang perusahaan.
5. Membuat, menyusun dan melaksanakan evaluasi kajian skema dan
struktur model pengembangan untuk mendukung RJPP.
Job Requirement
- Usia min 30
- S1 Teknik/Ekonomi
- Financial Modelling
- Corporate Strategic Management
- Proses Bisnis
- Corporate Financing Optimisasi
- Budgeting
- Risk Management
- Memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan&pengalaman di bidang
planning&strategy management secara korporat,baik di institusi
pemerintah maupun di industri minyak&gas nasional/internasional
- Memiliki pengetahuan,keterampilan & pengalaman implementasi di
bidang planning & strategy management di unit bisnis/direktorat/anak
- Pernah memegang project dengan menggunakan kaedah-kaedah project
management yang berskala nasional maupun regional dengan berpedoman
pada best practices lebih dari 10 tahun.
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi baik lisan maupun tertulis dengan
pihak asing serta pengalaman negosia
Corporate Strategic Growth - Assistant Manager Gas & Infrastructure
Strategic Planning ( PIMCSGK304 )
Job Description
1. Menganalisa faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal bisnis gas dan
infrastruktur operasi perusahaan untuk positioning perusahaan dalam 5
tahun ke depan.
2. Menyusun sasaran strategis dan formulasi strategi bisnis gas dan
infrastruktur operasi perusahaan jangka panjang (5 tahunan) di tingkat
korporat, unit bisnis dan anak perusahaan.
3. Menyusun RJPP, proses review dan Rolling Out RJPP bisnis gas dan
infrastruktur operasi perusahaan secara tahunan.
4. Membuat rencana inisiatif investasi dan inisitiaf strategis bisnis
gas dan infrastruktur operasi perusahaan termasuk biaya yang
ditimbulkan serta revenue yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan RJPP.
5. Mengkaji skema dan struktur model pengembangan bisnis gas dan
infrastruktur operasi perusahaan secara korporat untuk mendukung RJPP
Job Requirement
- Usia Minimum 30 tahun
- S1 Teknik/Ekonomi
- Memiliki keterampilan dan pengalaman di bidang planning dan strategy
management secara korporat, baik di institusi pemerintah maupun di
industri minyak dan gas nasional atau internasional
- Memiliki keterampilan dan pengalaman implementasi di bidang planning
dan strategy management di unit bisnis / direktorat / anak perusahaan
- Pernah memegang project dengan menggunakan kaedah-kaedah project
management yang berskala nasional maupun regional dengan berpedoman
pada best practices lebih dari 3 tahun
- Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dan komputer yang sangat baik
- Minimal 10 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan, strategy
development, pelaksanaan proyek-proyek
Corporate Strategic Growth - Assistant Manager Gas Project Investment
( PIMCSGK301 )
Job Description
1. Melakukan analisa kajian evaluasi/validasi & rekomendasi atas
usulan investasi gas hilir utk proyek baru & eksisting yg di usulkan
kembali dgn mengacu pada parameter keekonomian yg ditetapkan dgn fokus
utama pada return yg optimal & tingkat risiko yg terkontrol
berdasarkan pertimbangan ekonomi,teknologi,dampak lingkungan,analisa
pasar,trend harga,lingkup proyek,nilai investasi serta faktor bisnis
lainnya yg dapat mempengaruhi keputusan investasi.
2. Melakukan analisa kajian strategi gas hilir & struktur skema
bisnis gas hilir utk kegiatan pengembangan bisnis yg melibatkan
kerjasama dgn pihak lain,termasuk mengkoordinasikan evaluasi &
penilaian calon partner berdasarkan hasil due diligence serta
informasi lain yg tersedia sesuai dgn prosedur pemilihan partner yg
telah ditetapkan
Job Requirement
Background Pendidikan:
- S2/S1 Teknik Industri/Teknik Perminyakan/Teknik Kimia/Teknik
Geologi/Administrasi Bisnis/Manajemen
Kemampuan & Kompetensi:
1. Engineering Economic & Financial Analisis
2. Financial Analisis
3. Petroleum Economic
4. Business Development
5. Memiliki pemahaman dan pengalaman dalam mengevaluasi bisnis downstream
- Minimal 10 tahun pengalaman dalam Bisnis Downstream Oil & Gas
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Corporate & Portofolio Risk ( PIMERMK303 )
Job Description
1. Menyusun konsep strategi dan kebijakan semua aspek risiko secara
portofolio, investasi dan pengembangan bisnis aset non operasi (baik
hulu maupun hilir serta anak perusahaan dan afilisasinya) serta risiko
perubahan regulasi dan compliance.
2. Menemukenali dan menguraikan risiko secara portofolio, investasi
dan pengembangan bisnis aset non operasi (baik hulu maupun hilir serta
anak perusahaan dan afilisasinya) serta risiko perubahan regulasi dan
compliance yang melekat pada setiap aktivitas berdasarkan lingkup
pengelolaan risiko yang telah ditentukan pada tahap sebelumnya.
3. Melakukan kajian mengenai kesesuaian risiko perusahaan terhadap
risk appetite dan risk tolerance perusahaan.
Job Requirement
- S1 Teknik elektro/Teknik Kimia/Teknik Mesin/Teknik
Perminyakan/Hukum/Statistik/Manajemen Keuangan
- Memahami proses bisnis hulu - hilir migas.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang portofolio usaha/bisnis.
- Memahami proses dan mekanisme pengusulan investasi.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang project management
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan
maupun tulisan)
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan bisnis,
manajemen resiko, hukum bisnis, portofolio & investasi
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Downstream Operational Risk ( PIMERMK302 )
Job Description
1. Merencanakan konsep kebijakan penanganan risiko stand alone dan
portofolio yang mencakup kegiatan operasional (on-going business),
investasi dan kehandalan aset di Direktorat Hilir, Anak Perusahaan
Hilir dan afiliasinya.
2. Menemukenali dan menguraikan risiko stand alone dan portofolio
yang mencakup kegiatan operasional (on-going business), investasi dan
kehandalan aset di Direktorat Hilir, Anak Perusahaan Hilir dan
afiliasinya berdasarkan lingkup pengelolaan risiko yang telah
ditentukan pada tahap sebelumnya.
3. Melakukan kajian mengenai kesesuaian risiko perusahaan terhadap
risk appetite dan risk tolerance perusahaan.
4. Menyiapkan dan menyampaikan laporan profil risiko yang meliputi
kemungkinan dan analisa faktor penyebab serta ketidakpastian yang
disebabkan oleh risiko.
Job Requirement
- S1 Teknik Eektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik
Perminyakan/Hukum/Statistik/Manajemen Keuangan
- Memahami proses bisnis hilir migas.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang portofolio usaha/bisnis.
- Memahami proses dan mekanisme pengusulan investasi.
- Memahami project management
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan
maupun tulisan)
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang operasi hulu migas,
pelaksanaan proyek-proyek, portofolio & investasi
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Financial & Business Risk ( PIMERMK304 )
Job Description
1. Melakukan risk identification, risk assessment, dan risk treatment,
serta monitoring terhadap tindak lanjutnya.
2. Membuat pedoman untuk menilai risiko finansial dan bisnis.
3. Memeriksa dan monitoring pelaksanaan mitigasi risiko, yang
meliputi pendokumentasian risiko yang berada di dalam risk register,
melakukan prioritas untuk risiko yang mendesak.
4. Melakukan kajian tingkat kesesuaian proyek dengan target Perusahaan
sebagaimana tertuang dalam RKAP dan RJPP.
5. Melakukan perhitungan teknis dan perhitungan ekonomi untuk
mendalami probabilitas risiko seperti kompetisi, perubahan kebijakan
dan peraturan, diversifikasi, penawaran dan permintaan, siklus produk,
harga komoditas, valuta asing, opportunity cost, biaya modal, dll.
Job Requirement
- S1 Manajemen Keuangan/Hukum/Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik
- Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai identifikasi risiko, penilaian risiko,
strategi mitigasi risiko, metode, dan prosesnya.
- Memiliki pemahaman dalam hal statistical analysis.
- Memiliki kemampuan dalam analisa atas laporan keuangan.
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan
maupun tulisan)
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan bisnis,
manajemen resiko, hukum bisnis, portofolio & investasi
Enterprise Risk Management - Analyst Policy, Compliance & Legal Risk (
Job Description
1. Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko umum dalam risiko kebijakan,
peraturan, dan risiko sebagai dampak dari kegiatan operasional,
investasi (misalnya M & A, Anak Perusahaan / Joint Venture),
pendanaan, transaksi, dan proyek ad-hoc dengan mereview aturan hukum,
kontrak internal dan eksternal, referensi, kebijakan, dan peraturan.
2. Mengawasi risiko seluruh Perusahaan dan memetakan risiko serta
pemilik risiko (risk owner).
3. Menilai potensi atas tingkat keparahan / dampak komersil / dampak
hukum sebagai akibat dari kerugian.
4. Menyiapkan dan menyampaikan laporan profil risiko, yang meliputi
probabilitas dan analisa faktor penyebab, serta ketidakpastian yang
disebabkan oleh risiko.
Job Requirement
- S1 Hukum/Manajemen Keuangan/Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik Perminyakan
- Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai hukum negara yang spesifik, ketentuan
perundang-undangan, prosedur pengadilan, panduan, Peraturan
Pemerintah, aturan-aturan dari badan pemerintah, kontrak, kebijakan
internal dan eksternal.
- Memiliki kemampuan untuk merancang dan menyusun langkah penenerapan
aturan & kebijakan dengan baik.
- Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai identifikasi risiko, penilaian
risiko, strategi mitigasi risiko, metode, dan prosesnya.
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan
maupun tulisan)
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang perencanaan bisnis,
manajemen resiko, hukum bisnis, portofolio & investasi
1. Merencanakan konsep kebijakan penanganan risiko stand alone dan portofolio yang mencakup kegiatan operasional (on-going business), investasi dan kehandalan aset di direktorat hulu, Anak Perusahaan Hulu dan afiliasi yang terkait dengan Direktorat Hulu.
2. Menemukenali dan menguraikan risiko stand alone dan portofolio yang mencakup kegiatan operasional (on-going business), investasi dan kehandalan aset di Direktorat Hulu, Anak Perusahaan Hulu dan afiliasinya
3. Melakukan kajian mengenai kesesuaian risiko perusahaan terhadap risk appetite dan risk tolerance perusahaan.
4. Menyiapkan dan menyampaikan laporan profil risiko yang meliputi kemungkinan dan analisa faktor penyebab serta ketidakpastian yang disebabkan oleh risiko.Job RequirementPendidikan:
- S1 Teknik Elektro/Teknik Mesin/Teknik Perminyakan/Hukum/Statistik/Manajemen KeuanganKompetensi:
- Memahami proses bisnis hulu migas.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang portofolio usaha/bisnis.
- Memahami proses dan mekanisme pengusulan investasi.
- Memahami project management
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan)Pengalaman:
- Minimal 6 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang operasi hulu migas, pelaksanaan proyek-proyek, portofolio & investasi
1. Melakukan analisan dan evaluasi kebutuhan jaminan/risiko terhadap property kilang/aktivitas/kepentingan yang akan diasuransikan kepada hasil valuation survey, perhitungan Estimate Maximum Loss (EML) dan risk survey
2. Melakukan analisa dan kajian kondisi pasar asuransi non marine
Mendata dan melakukan konsolidasi semua property kilang/aktivitas/kepentingan yang akan diasuransikan dari fungsi Marketing & Trading
3. Melaksanakan pengadaan/penutupan asuransi
4. Melakukan analisa dan evaluasi terhadap polis asuransi non marine, melakukan proses pembayaran premi, mengalokasi beban biaya premi dan melaksanakan proses penerimaan klaim asuransi.
5. Melaksanakan klaim asuransi, monitoring proses klaim termasuk melakukan konsolidasi dengan institusi external.Job RequirementPendidikan:
- S1 EkonomiKompetensi:
- Memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai risk management
- Memiliki pengetahuan dasar, prinsip dan program asuransi (Basic Insurance)
- Memiliki pengetahuan mekanisme pasar asuransi, proses penempatan risiko (risk placing), terms & conditions dan proses klaim asuransi
- Memiliki pengetahuan terms & conditions asuransi property, third party liability, D&Oliability, project insurance.
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang pengadaan barang
- Memiliki pengetahuan tentang sistem MySAP, GRC, Insurance Management, Sistem Project InsurancePengalaman:
- Minimal 5 tahun di bidang Insurance Risk
1. Melaksanakan strategi serta kebijakan penanganan risiko Pengembangan Bisnis/Investment & Financial/Portofolio dari Bisnis Gas dlm memperkirakan efektivitas risk management serta dampak yg ditimbulkan terhadap pencapaian target di Direktorat Gas beserta anak perusahaan.
2. Melaksanakan identifikasi seluruh jenis risiko (Pengembangan Bisnis/Investment & Financial/Portofolio) yg melekat pada setiap aktivitas, operasi & transaksi baik internal maupun eksternal dalam proses bisnis.
3. Melakukan analisa dan mengajukan rekomendasi strategis yg bersifat responsif maupun antisipatif terhadap risiko & peluang risiko (Pengembangan Bisnis/Investment & Financial/Portofolio)
4. Membuat laporan pengelolaan terhadap exposure resiko (Pengembangan Bisnis/Investment & Financial/Portofolio)Job RequirementBackground Pendidikan:
- S1/S2 Manajemen/Teknik Industri/FinanceKemampuan dan Kompetensi:
1. Mempunyai pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan implementasi mengenai bisnis Gas dan mata rantai bisnis terkait, Risk Management, Business Development, Project Management
2. Mampu berkomunikasi secara aktif menggunakan bahasa inggrisPengalaman:
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 5 tahun di operasional bidang yang terkait dengan rantai bisnis Gas
1. Melaksanakan strategi serta kebijakan penanganan risiko Operasional dan Legal dari Bisnis Gas dengan memperhitungkan kapabilitas perusahaan untuk menjadi pedoman dalam memperkirakan efektivitas risk management serta dampak yang ditimbulkan terhadap pencapaian target di Direktorat Gas beserta anak perusahaan.
2. Melaksanakan identifikasi seluruh jenis risiko (Operasional, Legal & Admin) yg melekat pada setiap aktivitas, operasi dan transaksi baik internal maupun eksternal dalam proses bisnis perusahaan yang berpotensi merugikan perusahaan
3. Mengukur exposure risiko perusahaan(Operasional, Legal & Admin) terhadap seluruh aktivitas bisnis atau konsentrasi bisnis perusahaan.
4. Melakukan analisa dan mengajukan rekomendasi strategis yg bersifat responsif maupun antisipatif terhadap risikoJob RequirementBackground Pendidikan:
- S1/S2 Manajemen,Hukum,Teknik IndustriKemampuan & Kompetensi:
1. Mempunyai pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan implementasi mengenai bisnis Gas dan mata rantai bisnis terkait, Risk Management, Project Management
2. Mampu berkomunikasi aktif dengan menggunakan bahasa inggrisPengalaman:
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 5 tahun di operasional bidang yang terkait dengan rantai bisnis Gas
1. Membuat pelaksanaan evaluasi realisasi kinerja atas target tahunan, masing-masing Anak Perusahaan(AP)/Affiliasi yang terkait meliputi aspek finansial, operasi dan kepatuhan.
2. Membuat analisa performance bisnis Direktorat Gas/AP/Afiliasi.
3. Membuat analisa pelaksanaan sinergisitas bisnis Gas antar AP/Affiliasi termasuk dokumen-dokumen pendukungnya.
4. Membuat analisa pembinaan profesi pekerja perbantuan di AP/Affiliasi yang terkait dengan Gas dalam hal peningkatan kompetensi, maupun career planning dan succession planning sesuai dengan perencanaan SDMJob RequirementBackground Pendidikan:
- S1/S2 Manajemen,Teknik IndustriKemampuan dan Kompetensi:
1. Mempunyai pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan implementasi mengenai bisnis Gas dan mata rantai bisnis terkait, Performance Management System, Risk Management, Project Management.
2. mampu berkomunikasi secara aktif menggunakan bahasa inggris.Pengalaman:
- Memiliki pengalaman minimal selama 5 tahun di operasional bidang yang terkait dengan rantai bisnis Gas
Please submit your application letter and resume to our official
website : http://recruitment.pertamina.com
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) sama sekali tidak memungut biaya apapun dalam
proses rekrutmen ini. Apabila ada oknum yang mengatasnamakan Pertamina
dan menjanjikan sesuatu dengan imbalan tertentu, harap melaporkan
kepada Contact Pertamina di telepon 500-000 atau email:
PTTEP is a national petroleum exploration and production company
dedicating to provide a sustainable petroleum supply to Thailand and
the countries we operate. A top-ten publicly- listed company in the
Stock Exchange of Thailand, PTTEP has a workforce of over 3,000 and
has invested in 44 E&P activities and 5 investments in Thailand,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Oman, Egypt, Algeria,
Bahrain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
Announced on May 18, 2010, PTTEP and its consortium won the
exploration rights for four blocks in offshore Indonesia.
We are looking for eligible candidate to join our growing
multinational company in below position:
Public Affair & Relation Officer
Job Purpose:
Coordinating with other staff at all levels for getting information
related on external relations matters as required, the Public Affair &
Relation Officer responsible for performing all external relations
duties including;
• Support senior professionals as they implement CSR/PR policies and
procedures in their work at PTTEP.
• Provide general CSR/PR information for customers in their areas of
• Assist/participate in CSR/PR projects and activities under close supervision.
• Perform data entry and report activities, including compilation,
preparation, and analysis.
• Monitor operational compliance with CSR/PR policies, processes and
• Proactively propose improvement/ correction in the CSR/PR processes/ actions.
The job holder works under moderate supervision and need to be
reviewed or monitored.
Key Accountabilities:
Community Relations:
• Monitor, report and promptly respond to any movements of local
community which will impact PTTEP's operation / image.
• Work closely with supervisor to organize and propose community projects.
• Keep updating contact lists, and community/project information.
• Prepare correspondence for supervisor's/manager's approval.
• Prepare press release and perform photo taking under supervision.
• Promptly response to ad hoc assignments.
Government Relations:
• Promote, maintain and strengthen effective working relation and
relationship with key government offices. Organize activities to
strengthen relationship between PTTEP Management and government
1. Coordinate and participate in the visit of government officials to
PTTEP as well as the visit of PTTEP executive to government agencies
to create and maintain good connections.
2. Coordinate charity and inquires from government agencies to
management for further action.
• Follow up and report on the direction and movements of government's
policies to Management as well as provide PTTEP information to
concerned government agencies to enhance positive understanding toward
1. Closely coordinate with government officials for accessing the
government's policies and movement that would affect PTTEP business
and activity, as well as inform that movement to management in order
to prevent the potential problem.
• Update CV of key government officials, as well as provide supporting
information and assist other functions in dealing with those
government agencies and officials for supporting key operations.
• Manages filing system, database and tracking system to be easily
searched and retrieved.
• Consistently follow up, coordinate and keep inform/report of the
work progress.
• Always assist other units in Department and cross-function.
• Follow the Company's SSHE policies and regulations in all work under
Professional Knowledge & Experience:
• Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations or related fields
• At least 3 years experience in CSR/PR/ Media (preferably in oil &
gas business)
• Good written and spoken English (TOEIC Score Requirement : 650)
• Attend basic PR training
• Good in computer and Microsoft office
• Service mind and good interpersonal skills
Please submit your application and other credentials to email:
vidiyan@pttep.com before 30 September 2013.
dedicating to provide a sustainable petroleum supply to Thailand and
the countries we operate. A top-ten publicly- listed company in the
Stock Exchange of Thailand, PTTEP has a workforce of over 3,000 and
has invested in 44 E&P activities and 5 investments in Thailand,
Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Oman, Egypt, Algeria,
Bahrain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
Announced on May 18, 2010, PTTEP and its consortium won the
exploration rights for four blocks in offshore Indonesia.
We are looking for eligible candidate to join our growing
multinational company in below position:
Public Affair & Relation Officer
Job Purpose:
Coordinating with other staff at all levels for getting information
related on external relations matters as required, the Public Affair &
Relation Officer responsible for performing all external relations
duties including;
• Support senior professionals as they implement CSR/PR policies and
procedures in their work at PTTEP.
• Provide general CSR/PR information for customers in their areas of
• Assist/participate in CSR/PR projects and activities under close supervision.
• Perform data entry and report activities, including compilation,
preparation, and analysis.
• Monitor operational compliance with CSR/PR policies, processes and
• Proactively propose improvement/ correction in the CSR/PR processes/ actions.
The job holder works under moderate supervision and need to be
reviewed or monitored.
Key Accountabilities:
Community Relations:
• Monitor, report and promptly respond to any movements of local
community which will impact PTTEP's operation / image.
• Work closely with supervisor to organize and propose community projects.
• Keep updating contact lists, and community/project information.
• Prepare correspondence for supervisor's/manager's approval.
• Prepare press release and perform photo taking under supervision.
• Promptly response to ad hoc assignments.
Government Relations:
• Promote, maintain and strengthen effective working relation and
relationship with key government offices. Organize activities to
strengthen relationship between PTTEP Management and government
1. Coordinate and participate in the visit of government officials to
PTTEP as well as the visit of PTTEP executive to government agencies
to create and maintain good connections.
2. Coordinate charity and inquires from government agencies to
management for further action.
• Follow up and report on the direction and movements of government's
policies to Management as well as provide PTTEP information to
concerned government agencies to enhance positive understanding toward
1. Closely coordinate with government officials for accessing the
government's policies and movement that would affect PTTEP business
and activity, as well as inform that movement to management in order
to prevent the potential problem.
• Update CV of key government officials, as well as provide supporting
information and assist other functions in dealing with those
government agencies and officials for supporting key operations.
• Manages filing system, database and tracking system to be easily
searched and retrieved.
• Consistently follow up, coordinate and keep inform/report of the
work progress.
• Always assist other units in Department and cross-function.
• Follow the Company's SSHE policies and regulations in all work under
Professional Knowledge & Experience:
• Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations or related fields
• At least 3 years experience in CSR/PR/ Media (preferably in oil &
gas business)
• Good written and spoken English (TOEIC Score Requirement : 650)
• Attend basic PR training
• Good in computer and Microsoft office
• Service mind and good interpersonal skills
Please submit your application and other credentials to email:
vidiyan@pttep.com before 30 September 2013.
Our client Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) Oil & Gas in
Jakarta is seeking for : RECEPTIONIST
* Graduated from D3 degree any reputable University
* Female (Asst. Admin) Male or Female for (Receptionist)
* Experience more than 2 years in the same position
* Fluent in English, both oral & written.
* Computer skill (MS Office)
* Location : South Jakarta
* Good communication skill.
* Good health condition.
* Well organized.
Please send only CV, hand phone number to the email address below :
Jakarta is seeking for : RECEPTIONIST
* Graduated from D3 degree any reputable University
* Female (Asst. Admin) Male or Female for (Receptionist)
* Experience more than 2 years in the same position
* Fluent in English, both oral & written.
* Computer skill (MS Office)
* Location : South Jakarta
* Good communication skill.
* Good health condition.
* Well organized.
Please send only CV, hand phone number to the email address below :
Vacancy - Expatriate Formalities Officer
Urgently needed
Expatriate Formalities Officer
Requirements :
- Female, age max 35yo
- A bachelor degree in psychology/ business
administration/ Human Resources/ Law from a reputable univerity
- At least 3-5 years of relevant working experience in
expatriate formalities
- Broad knowledge of Imigration regulation and manpower
- Good spoken and written English is necessary
- Excellent inter-personal skills
- Have great sense of urgency and able to multi-tasks
under pressure
- Can join immediately
Please send your
application to spierecruitment@yahoo.com with your recent picture &
expected Salary
Expatriate Formalities Officer
Requirements :
- Female, age max 35yo
- A bachelor degree in psychology/ business
administration/ Human Resources/ Law from a reputable univerity
- At least 3-5 years of relevant working experience in
expatriate formalities
- Broad knowledge of Imigration regulation and manpower
- Good spoken and written English is necessary
- Excellent inter-personal skills
- Have great sense of urgency and able to multi-tasks
under pressure
- Can join immediately
Please send your
application to spierecruitment@yahoo.com with your recent picture &
expected Salary
Our client is a Multinational EPC of Electrical, Instrumentation,
Mining and Industrial seeking an Cost Control
Qualification needed
* Graduated from S1 Degree any reputable University
* Experience more than 4 years in the same position
* Fluent in English, both oral & written.
* Computer literate
* Location : South Jakarta
* Good communication skill.
* Good health condition.
* Well organized
Please send only CV, mobile phone number to the email address below :
Mining and Industrial seeking an Cost Control
Qualification needed
* Graduated from S1 Degree any reputable University
* Experience more than 4 years in the same position
* Fluent in English, both oral & written.
* Computer literate
* Location : South Jakarta
* Good communication skill.
* Good health condition.
* Well organized
Please send only CV, mobile phone number to the email address below :
Control System, Electrical & Telecommunications Integration in
Engineering Company
specialized in Oil & Gas & Nutrition Industry invite highly motivate
Individual to fill vacant positions:
( Triconex)
Required Qualifications:
* Min. D3 or S1 University graduate.
* Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and
spoken English.
* Good knowledge in Triconex programming.
* Good knowledge in Control System/PLC (Functional block, ladder, etc).
* Knowledge of the field, preferably have experience working in Feed
mills Industry.
* Good communication, human relation and interpersonal skill.
* Knowledge of International standard.
* Project management skill.
Potential candidates may submit their detailed resumes to
recruitment@actemium.co.idalong with their availability, Current &
Expected salaries.
Control System, Electrical & Telecommunications Integration in
Engineering Company
specialized in Oil & Gas & Nutrition Industry invite highly motivate
Individual to fill vacant positions:
( Triconex)
Required Qualifications:
* Min. D3 or S1 University graduate.
* Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and
spoken English.
* Good knowledge in Triconex programming.
* Good knowledge in Control System/PLC (Functional block, ladder, etc).
* Knowledge of the field, preferably have experience working in Feed
mills Industry.
* Good communication, human relation and interpersonal skill.
* Knowledge of International standard.
* Project management skill.
Potential candidates may submit their detailed resumes to
recruitment@actemium.co.idalong with their availability, Current &
Expected salaries.
Senior Drilling Engineer – Balikpapan (Indonesia)
Gaji Senior Drilling : RP40m – RP50m per month
Location: Indonesia: Jakarta
Duration: Permanent
JobRef: RW 672480-1
One of the world's largest Oil & Gas companies is looking to recruit a
Senior Drilling Engineer to work an exciting new project in
Balikpapan, Indonesia.
A wide variety of responsibilities will include:
conduct and control the job implementation related to Drilling
Engineering activities in order to respect the HSE Policies/Procedures
and Company referential
perform and finalise project studies to successfully drill wells in
Mahakam Delta area
capture and share the drilling lessons for the swamp and offshore rigs
activities in order to ensure readiness of junior engineers to drill
control the quality, specification and availability of Offshore and
Exploration contract and equipment to ensure compliance with
requirement specifications
support cost efficiency and effectiveness of unit operations to
optimise operational expenses within service
control DIP process properly to ensure the follow up by all users with
"D-Practice" software
Desired skills and experience include:
bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering or Mechanical Engineering
minimum with 10 years experience of well construction operations in
different environment
a minimum of 5-years managerial experience
good knowledge of drilling technology: Swamp and Offshore rigs,
Directional drilling, LWD/MWD, Drilling bits, fluids and cement,
coring and specific tools, completion, fully conversant with company
software etc
A unique opportunity to join a well known company offering a very
competitive package and long term career framework.
If you would like to apply for the role of Senior Drilling Engineer –
Balikpapan (Indonesia) or find out more, please send your CV to :
or visit to our web : www.nautic-resources.com
Location: Indonesia: Jakarta
Duration: Permanent
JobRef: RW 672480-1
One of the world's largest Oil & Gas companies is looking to recruit a
Senior Drilling Engineer to work an exciting new project in
Balikpapan, Indonesia.
A wide variety of responsibilities will include:
conduct and control the job implementation related to Drilling
Engineering activities in order to respect the HSE Policies/Procedures
and Company referential
perform and finalise project studies to successfully drill wells in
Mahakam Delta area
capture and share the drilling lessons for the swamp and offshore rigs
activities in order to ensure readiness of junior engineers to drill
control the quality, specification and availability of Offshore and
Exploration contract and equipment to ensure compliance with
requirement specifications
support cost efficiency and effectiveness of unit operations to
optimise operational expenses within service
control DIP process properly to ensure the follow up by all users with
"D-Practice" software
Desired skills and experience include:
bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering or Mechanical Engineering
minimum with 10 years experience of well construction operations in
different environment
a minimum of 5-years managerial experience
good knowledge of drilling technology: Swamp and Offshore rigs,
Directional drilling, LWD/MWD, Drilling bits, fluids and cement,
coring and specific tools, completion, fully conversant with company
software etc
A unique opportunity to join a well known company offering a very
competitive package and long term career framework.
If you would like to apply for the role of Senior Drilling Engineer –
Balikpapan (Indonesia) or find out more, please send your CV to :
or visit to our web : www.nautic-resources.com
Control System, Electrical & Telecommunications Integration in
Engineering Company
specialized in Oil & Gas Industry invite highly motivate Individual to
fill vacant positions:
Project Manager
Required Qualifications:
* Minimum S1/D3 Engineering Instrument & Control System
* Minimum 10 years experience in Instrument & Control System
Integration and 5 years as Control System Project Manager
* Computer literate
* Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and
spoken English.
* Knowledge of the field, preferably have experience working in Oil &
Gas Industry.
* Good communication, human relation, project management, leadership
and interpersonal skill.
* Knowledge of International standard.
* Independent and able to work under pressure
Job Description:
* Familiar with Oil & Gas design engineering and integration of the
following materials and related vendors (Process Control & Safety
shutdown system hardware and software)
* Responsible of the technical choices & quality performance of the project
* Responsible of the engineering & clients input document issuing and
transmittal traceability
* Responsible of all materials and integration quality, inspection
and release notes
* Check all quantities, datasheets and specifications of materials
related to procurement.
* Perform project bids technical and commercial proposal
* Manage all human resources considerations of the proposal place
under his responsibilities.
Please provide your Curriculum Vitae with Qualification, Education & Experience
before Interview to:
Control System, Electrical & Telecommunications Integration in
Engineering Company
specialized in Oil & Gas Industry invite highly motivate Individual to
fill vacant positions:
Project Manager
Required Qualifications:
* Minimum S1/D3 Engineering Instrument & Control System
* Minimum 10 years experience in Instrument & Control System
Integration and 5 years as Control System Project Manager
* Computer literate
* Excellent communication skills with a good level of written and
spoken English.
* Knowledge of the field, preferably have experience working in Oil &
Gas Industry.
* Good communication, human relation, project management, leadership
and interpersonal skill.
* Knowledge of International standard.
* Independent and able to work under pressure
Job Description:
* Familiar with Oil & Gas design engineering and integration of the
following materials and related vendors (Process Control & Safety
shutdown system hardware and software)
* Responsible of the technical choices & quality performance of the project
* Responsible of the engineering & clients input document issuing and
transmittal traceability
* Responsible of all materials and integration quality, inspection
and release notes
* Check all quantities, datasheets and specifications of materials
related to procurement.
* Perform project bids technical and commercial proposal
* Manage all human resources considerations of the proposal place
under his responsibilities.
Please provide your Curriculum Vitae with Qualification, Education & Experience
before Interview to:
· Female, max 30 years old
· Degree at least D-III Accountancy
· At least 2 years relevant accounting experience, preferably familiar
with accounting software like MYOB, New Concept, etc.
· Able to work accurately, efficiently on time and multitasking
· Fluent in spoken & written English
- Permanent Employee
- Working hours : 8 hours per day and 5 days a week
- An attractive remuneration, benefits package with offering negotiable
- Provided by company ; Transportation, Meal, Medical Insurance
- Office location : Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta
- Offering Salary : Rp. 4 – 6 Million
Please submit immediately your resume with recent photograph *WITHOUT
*All applications will be treated with Strict Confidential.*
*Please note only short listed candidates will be notified afterwards.*
· Female, max 30 years old
· Degree at least D-III Accountancy
· At least 2 years relevant accounting experience, preferably familiar
with accounting software like MYOB, New Concept, etc.
· Able to work accurately, efficiently on time and multitasking
· Fluent in spoken & written English
- Permanent Employee
- Working hours : 8 hours per day and 5 days a week
- An attractive remuneration, benefits package with offering negotiable
- Provided by company ; Transportation, Meal, Medical Insurance
- Office location : Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta
- Offering Salary : Rp. 4 – 6 Million
Please submit immediately your resume with recent photograph *WITHOUT
*All applications will be treated with Strict Confidential.*
*Please note only short listed candidates will be notified afterwards.*
Sep 21, 2013
Lowongan Quality Manager di OMAN
A rapid growth Project Management company providing services to oil &
gas business sector in Oman (Muscat) is now looking for candidate to
be a Quality Manager. He will report directly to Top Management for
the establishment, and implementation of the Quality Management
System, control and measure its performance and continually improve
those system with appropriate tools and technique.
Requirements :
1. Degree/ Bsc of Engineering Study Program from Univeristy or Institute
2. Min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas (Engineering,
Procurement and Construction/Installation)
3. Min 8 years experience in Quality Assurance/Quality Control and
auditing activities for verifying the conformance & effectiveness
level of the system based on ISO 9001 standard's frameworks
4. Certified IRCA Auditor or equivalent
5. Having knowledge, and skills in utilisation of tools and technique
for system improvement
6. Conversant with ANSI/ASME, ASTM, NACE, BS EN ISO standard (shell
DEP/DES is preferred)
7. Good English for both verbal and written is a must.
8. Having Leadership, ethical, open-minded, versatile, tenacious and
If you meet the above critera, please send your CV to jobs@albahjapmo.com
gas business sector in Oman (Muscat) is now looking for candidate to
be a Quality Manager. He will report directly to Top Management for
the establishment, and implementation of the Quality Management
System, control and measure its performance and continually improve
those system with appropriate tools and technique.
Requirements :
1. Degree/ Bsc of Engineering Study Program from Univeristy or Institute
2. Min. 10 years working experience in oil & gas (Engineering,
Procurement and Construction/Installation)
3. Min 8 years experience in Quality Assurance/Quality Control and
auditing activities for verifying the conformance & effectiveness
level of the system based on ISO 9001 standard's frameworks
4. Certified IRCA Auditor or equivalent
5. Having knowledge, and skills in utilisation of tools and technique
for system improvement
6. Conversant with ANSI/ASME, ASTM, NACE, BS EN ISO standard (shell
DEP/DES is preferred)
7. Good English for both verbal and written is a must.
8. Having Leadership, ethical, open-minded, versatile, tenacious and
If you meet the above critera, please send your CV to jobs@albahjapmo.com
Lowongan PT Inti Brunel Teknindo - 10 positions
PT. Inti Brunel Teknindo is the sole agent for Brunel Energy
(www.brunelenergy.net), provides specialist personnel to the
international oil & gas, petrochemical, power generation and
construction industries. Our clients are predominantly major operating
companies and international engineering or construction companies. We
have a global network with local market knowledge in 97 locations
around the world. Currently, our clients are looking for some
1. Scheduler
• Prefer at least 5 years experience with Primavera.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects (2 to 5 years) or even 1
project with Greenfield industrial experience
2. Cost Associate
• Minimum 5 years experience with construction cost management.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
3. Estimator
• Prefer 10 years experience.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
4. Quantity Surveyor
• Prefer 10 years experience with surveying quantities and calculating costs.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
5. Safety Lead
• Prefer 15 years experience planning, and implementing a safety
program with at least 750 people on site
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
• (Knowledge of OSHA or working with International companies is preferred)
6. Safety Supervisor
• Prefer 10 years experience planning, and implementing a safety
program with at least 750 people on site
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
• Knowledge of OSHA or working with International companies is preferred
7. Civil Stuctural Architectural Construction Supervisor
• Prefer 10 years experience supervising construction. Capable of fine
architectural finishes. Proficient with Microsoft Office products
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
8. Mechanical HVAC and Piping Supervisor
• Prefer 10 years experience supervising construction.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience. Exposure to
ITP (Inspection & Testing Plan is preferred)
9. Electrical Supervisor
• Prefer 10 years experience supervising construction.
• Prefer a degreed engineer.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience. Exposure to
ITP (Inspection & Testing Plan is preferred). (Work relates to HV and
LV primarily)
10. Rigging Engineer
• Prefer 10 years experience supervising construction.
• Prefer a degreed engineer.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products
Please send your CV, ID card copy and copies of relevant certificates
to: resume@brunel.co.id with specific "POSITION" in subject of your
email. Only shortlisted candidate will be process on next step.
(www.brunelenergy.net), provides specialist personnel to the
international oil & gas, petrochemical, power generation and
construction industries. Our clients are predominantly major operating
companies and international engineering or construction companies. We
have a global network with local market knowledge in 97 locations
around the world. Currently, our clients are looking for some
1. Scheduler
• Prefer at least 5 years experience with Primavera.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects (2 to 5 years) or even 1
project with Greenfield industrial experience
2. Cost Associate
• Minimum 5 years experience with construction cost management.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
3. Estimator
• Prefer 10 years experience.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
4. Quantity Surveyor
• Prefer 10 years experience with surveying quantities and calculating costs.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products.
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
5. Safety Lead
• Prefer 15 years experience planning, and implementing a safety
program with at least 750 people on site
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
• (Knowledge of OSHA or working with International companies is preferred)
6. Safety Supervisor
• Prefer 10 years experience planning, and implementing a safety
program with at least 750 people on site
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
• Knowledge of OSHA or working with International companies is preferred
7. Civil Stuctural Architectural Construction Supervisor
• Prefer 10 years experience supervising construction. Capable of fine
architectural finishes. Proficient with Microsoft Office products
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience
8. Mechanical HVAC and Piping Supervisor
• Prefer 10 years experience supervising construction.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience. Exposure to
ITP (Inspection & Testing Plan is preferred)
9. Electrical Supervisor
• Prefer 10 years experience supervising construction.
• Prefer a degreed engineer.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products
• Minimum Experience of 2 industrial projects preferred (2 to 5 years)
or even 1 project with Greenfield industrial experience. Exposure to
ITP (Inspection & Testing Plan is preferred). (Work relates to HV and
LV primarily)
10. Rigging Engineer
• Prefer 10 years experience supervising construction.
• Prefer a degreed engineer.
• Proficient with Microsoft Office products
Please send your CV, ID card copy and copies of relevant certificates
to: resume@brunel.co.id with specific "POSITION" in subject of your
email. Only shortlisted candidate will be process on next step.
Lowongan Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited for Well-Site Geologist
Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, an Oil & Gas company based in Jakarta with
operation field in Madura, is looking for highly experienced
Indonesian professional to join the team.
Performs as well-site geologist to prepare technical work and quality
control on the rig while drilling well and maintains results on a
current sample log, evaluate drilling breaks, shows and daily report.
• Min. Bachelor degree from Geological Engineering
• Regional knowledge and experiences in well-sitting is a must.
• Having at least 2 years experiences, knowledge in basic petroleum
geology and basin analysis, basic well log interpretation, petroleum
system, geochemistry, structural and stratigraphy, petrography, and
well site geologist technique.
• Having skill of English language both writing and speaking
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified, please submit your
application up to 2 weeks with complete curriculum vitae with subject
Position Title by E-mail to:
operation field in Madura, is looking for highly experienced
Indonesian professional to join the team.
Performs as well-site geologist to prepare technical work and quality
control on the rig while drilling well and maintains results on a
current sample log, evaluate drilling breaks, shows and daily report.
• Min. Bachelor degree from Geological Engineering
• Regional knowledge and experiences in well-sitting is a must.
• Having at least 2 years experiences, knowledge in basic petroleum
geology and basin analysis, basic well log interpretation, petroleum
system, geochemistry, structural and stratigraphy, petrography, and
well site geologist technique.
• Having skill of English language both writing and speaking
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified, please submit your
application up to 2 weeks with complete curriculum vitae with subject
Position Title by E-mail to:
Vacancy Petronas Carigali; 6 positions
Through drive and support from its staff, PETRONAS, in its short
history, has demonstrated remarkable growth and performance to emerge
as a Fortune Global 500 company. Incorporated in Malaysia in 1974,
PETRONAS, in its 30 years of operations, has established a global
footprint that includes exploration and retail operations in more than
30 countries, and counts among its 30,000 strong workforce people of
28 nationalities.
Under the Production Sharing Contract arrangements with SKKMIGAS,
PETRONAS CARIGALI Indonesia Operation is looking for some position
below to support our development project:
• Lead Production Operator
• Production Operator
• Instrument Technician
• Electrical Technician
• Mechanical Rotating Technician
• Mechanical Static Technician
General Requirement:
• Minimum Diploma degree (D3)/Polytechnic
• Minimum 5 years experience as Operator or Technician in oil and gas
industry with demonstrated knowledge in second skill task will be
Those who have close qualifications above are encouraged to send your
updated CV to: recruitment_pcino@petronas.com.my
Please put position title as the email subject.
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short listed
candidates will be notified.
(Please keep attachment to less than 300kb).
history, has demonstrated remarkable growth and performance to emerge
as a Fortune Global 500 company. Incorporated in Malaysia in 1974,
PETRONAS, in its 30 years of operations, has established a global
footprint that includes exploration and retail operations in more than
30 countries, and counts among its 30,000 strong workforce people of
28 nationalities.
Under the Production Sharing Contract arrangements with SKKMIGAS,
PETRONAS CARIGALI Indonesia Operation is looking for some position
below to support our development project:
• Lead Production Operator
• Production Operator
• Instrument Technician
• Electrical Technician
• Mechanical Rotating Technician
• Mechanical Static Technician
General Requirement:
• Minimum Diploma degree (D3)/Polytechnic
• Minimum 5 years experience as Operator or Technician in oil and gas
industry with demonstrated knowledge in second skill task will be
Those who have close qualifications above are encouraged to send your
updated CV to: recruitment_pcino@petronas.com.my
Please put position title as the email subject.
All applications will be treated confidentially. Only short listed
candidates will be notified.
(Please keep attachment to less than 300kb).
Vacancy (Document Controll for ISO)
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo, ourcompanyisoneofsystemintegrator
(ITCompany) dealingwithmanycorporationandproject.
weareseekingdynamicanddedicatedpersonstofillourvacantposition as
Document Controll
* Female, Maximum 30 yearsold
* Minimum BachelordegreeinEconomic
(Accounting/Management/BusinessAdministration) with minimum GPA 3.00
* FreshGraduateiswelcometoapply. Experiences as DocumentControllISO
9001 : 2008 ispreferable
* HavingknowledgeinITproducts
* Computerliterate
* Excellentcommunicationsskill, both verbal andwritteninEnglish
* Hardworker, haveinitiativesandgoodnegotiationskill
* Abletointeractprofessionallywithall level ofpeople
Job Description :
* CheckingforalldocumentbasedonISORequirement
* ToensurealldocumentfollowISORegulation
* CopyanddistributealldocumentISO
* ToEnsurealldocument has beendistribute
* Make Audit ReportforManagementMeeting
Send to:
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo
WirausahaBuilding 8th Floor, Suite 802
Jl. HRRasunaSaidKav C5
Jakarta 12940
Oremailto :
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo, ourcompanyisoneofsystemintegrator
(ITCompany) dealingwithmanycorporationandproject.
weareseekingdynamicanddedicatedpersonstofillourvacantposition as
Document Controll
* Female, Maximum 30 yearsold
* Minimum BachelordegreeinEconomic
(Accounting/Management/BusinessAdministration) with minimum GPA 3.00
* FreshGraduateiswelcometoapply. Experiences as DocumentControllISO
9001 : 2008 ispreferable
* HavingknowledgeinITproducts
* Computerliterate
* Excellentcommunicationsskill, both verbal andwritteninEnglish
* Hardworker, haveinitiativesandgoodnegotiationskill
* Abletointeractprofessionallywithall level ofpeople
Job Description :
* CheckingforalldocumentbasedonISORequirement
* ToensurealldocumentfollowISORegulation
* CopyanddistributealldocumentISO
* ToEnsurealldocument has beendistribute
* Make Audit ReportforManagementMeeting
Send to:
PT. Mitra Buana Komputindo
WirausahaBuilding 8th Floor, Suite 802
Jl. HRRasunaSaidKav C5
Jakarta 12940
Oremailto :
Lowongan Assistant Project Manager PT PLKK
PT Pengelola Limbah Kutai Kartanegara ( PLKK ) was established in 2003
initially providing disposal services for Oil and Gas Industrial Waste
and General Mining Industries. PT.
Pengelola Limbah Kutai Kartanegera Main office is located in Balikpapan and
over the years we expanded throughout east Kalimantan (Balikpapan, Muara Badak,
Bontang, and Samboja ). For
further information please find our website: http://www.plkk.co.id/,
To support our development we are looking for position :
Assistant Project Manager
· Male/Femalemax 35 years
· Minimal Qualification Diploma (D3) in Mechanical or
· Minimal GPA 3.0
· Working
experience minimal1yearin position
Responsibilities and Duties:
· Prepare and makeweekly,monthly report of Operations
· Conduct Technical Meetings, Inspection and site visit
· Preparing mobilization and demobilization project
· Take
an active role in creating a safe and healthy work environment.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
· Strong
attention to detail and excellent documentation skills.
· High
accuracy skills.
· Has
Positive attitude & personality, high responsibility, hard working and high
enthusiasm towards work.
· Possess strong leadership, and analytical
· Excellent
written and verbal communications skills
· Oil
and Gas industry experience is preferable
* Having good knowledge about oil & Gas Pre qualification system
· Strong
leadership, good communication, multitasking, and Pro active.
· Good communication
skill in English
* Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
· Competence
in AutoCAD, Corel
draw and Ms.Office ( word, excel, power point).
· Willing
to be placed in Balikpapan– Kalimantan Timur
Please send your Complete Curriculum Vitae,
Application Letter, Academic Transcript and Recent Photograph to:
· Email: hrd@plkk.co.id
· Address: PT Pengelola Limbah Kutai Kartanegara
· Jl
Jend Sudirman no 14-15 Balikpapan,
· East
Kalimantan, Indonesia 76114
initially providing disposal services for Oil and Gas Industrial Waste
and General Mining Industries. PT.
Pengelola Limbah Kutai Kartanegera Main office is located in Balikpapan and
over the years we expanded throughout east Kalimantan (Balikpapan, Muara Badak,
Bontang, and Samboja ). For
further information please find our website: http://www.plkk.co.id/,
To support our development we are looking for position :
Assistant Project Manager
· Male/Femalemax 35 years
· Minimal Qualification Diploma (D3) in Mechanical or
· Minimal GPA 3.0
· Working
experience minimal1yearin position
Responsibilities and Duties:
· Prepare and makeweekly,monthly report of Operations
· Conduct Technical Meetings, Inspection and site visit
· Preparing mobilization and demobilization project
· Take
an active role in creating a safe and healthy work environment.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
· Strong
attention to detail and excellent documentation skills.
· High
accuracy skills.
· Has
Positive attitude & personality, high responsibility, hard working and high
enthusiasm towards work.
· Possess strong leadership, and analytical
· Excellent
written and verbal communications skills
· Oil
and Gas industry experience is preferable
* Having good knowledge about oil & Gas Pre qualification system
· Strong
leadership, good communication, multitasking, and Pro active.
· Good communication
skill in English
* Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
· Competence
in AutoCAD, Corel
draw and Ms.Office ( word, excel, power point).
· Willing
to be placed in Balikpapan– Kalimantan Timur
Please send your Complete Curriculum Vitae,
Application Letter, Academic Transcript and Recent Photograph to:
· Email: hrd@plkk.co.id
· Address: PT Pengelola Limbah Kutai Kartanegara
· Jl
Jend Sudirman no 14-15 Balikpapan,
· East
Kalimantan, Indonesia 76114
Engineering and Construction company currently looking for
extraordinary professionals to join us in our office in Jakarta.
We are looking for a motivated individual to join our company as:
Post Title:
· Senior Loss Prevention
· Loss Prevention Engineer
· Senior Naval Architect
· Naval Architect Engineer
· Commercial Officer
· Senior HSE &
Minimum requirement of
the above positions are;
- Technical Engineering education background
- Proved experience in same position within
major contractor in our industry (EPCI) Oil & Gas
- Able to join within less or maximum one month
Please send your update
resume to:recruitment@saipem.com,stating position applied for in the
subject e-mail. Please attach
only CV (inform detail job experiences, expected salary, & recent photo).
Size not more than 250 KB, not later by. 19th September 2013.
We regret only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Best Regards,
Recruitment Team
extraordinary professionals to join us in our office in Jakarta.
We are looking for a motivated individual to join our company as:
Post Title:
· Senior Loss Prevention
· Loss Prevention Engineer
· Senior Naval Architect
· Naval Architect Engineer
· Commercial Officer
· Senior HSE &
Minimum requirement of
the above positions are;
- Technical Engineering education background
- Proved experience in same position within
major contractor in our industry (EPCI) Oil & Gas
- Able to join within less or maximum one month
Please send your update
resume to:recruitment@saipem.com,stating position applied for in the
subject e-mail. Please attach
only CV (inform detail job experiences, expected salary, & recent photo).
Size not more than 250 KB, not later by. 19th September 2013.
We regret only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Best Regards,
Recruitment Team
Vacancy PT. Turbin Energi Indoasia
PT. Turbin Energi Indoasia is a company which handling energy sector
such as Oil and Gas (upstream/drilling, and midstream / refinery),
downstream : Power Plant, Mining and Industry as well.
PT. Turbin Energi Indoasia is working in EPCIC (Engineering,
Procurement, Construction, Installation and Commissioning) and PMC
(Project Management Consulting).
We are looking for expert people to join our company. If you are sure,
you are the one we are looking for, please do not hesitate to send
your complete CV and all certificates you have. Please, send your file
not more than 300 Kbytes.
Engineering :
1. Process Engineer
2. Civil Engineer
3. Electrical Engineer
4. Instrument Engineer
5. Mechanic Engineer
6. Field Engineer
7. Operator
8. Legal
9. Sales
Requirement & Qualification:
1. Male (1-9), Female (9&10)
2. Minimum STM (6&7, 10), Minimum S1 (1-5, 7-9)
3. Experience min. 5 years (1-6), 2 years (7-10)
4. Able to speak/write english is preferred
Please send your CV to : hrd@teindo.com (max 300 kbytes)
such as Oil and Gas (upstream/drilling, and midstream / refinery),
downstream : Power Plant, Mining and Industry as well.
PT. Turbin Energi Indoasia is working in EPCIC (Engineering,
Procurement, Construction, Installation and Commissioning) and PMC
(Project Management Consulting).
We are looking for expert people to join our company. If you are sure,
you are the one we are looking for, please do not hesitate to send
your complete CV and all certificates you have. Please, send your file
not more than 300 Kbytes.
Engineering :
1. Process Engineer
2. Civil Engineer
3. Electrical Engineer
4. Instrument Engineer
5. Mechanic Engineer
6. Field Engineer
7. Operator
8. Legal
9. Sales
Requirement & Qualification:
1. Male (1-9), Female (9&10)
2. Minimum STM (6&7, 10), Minimum S1 (1-5, 7-9)
3. Experience min. 5 years (1-6), 2 years (7-10)
4. Able to speak/write english is preferred
Please send your CV to : hrd@teindo.com (max 300 kbytes)
Job Vacancy: Sr. Estimator - Civil
Burdock Group is a global recruitment and consultancy company active
in and focused on the oil & gas, general building, power and energy,
and other related sectors both onshore and offshore.
Currently we are looking for Sr. Estimator – Civil for our client a
global company has gained wide international experience in general
building projects such as; high rise buildings/office buildings, hotel
and apartments, hospitals, education facilities, sport facilities,
marine and jetty, etc.
Sr. Estimator – Civil
General Requirements:
• Min. graduated Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering
• Min. 10 year experiences in estimating
• In depth market knowledge
• In depth knowledge of estimating software [CCS]
• A working in Indonesia is preferable
• Fluent in English (spoken and written) and Bahasa Indonesia
• Responsible for examining the tender as a whole for alternatives and
possible value engineering to give us the edge over the competition.
• Reviewing of tender documentation and establish individual tasks,
such as planning, engineering, take off, and site visit are also your
• Preparing and also identifying the documentation that requires issue
to subcontractors and materials suppliers.
• To price the tender in a competitive and comprehensive manner
• Keep the chief estimator up to date with the status of the tender
• Select potential sub-contractors for the various elements of work
and material suppliers
• Review subcontract and material quotations to ensure technical compliance
• Negotiate with and identify new subcontractors to obtain competitive bids
• Monitor subcontractors pricing levels and performance
• Prepare the estimation using causeway software and top sheet for
review with chief estimator
• Prepare tender submission documentation with assistance from the
chief estimator
• Maintain proper records relating to the tender including post tender
The employment status is permanent with 3 months probation.
Please send your updated CV with recent photograph to: L.Puang@Burdock.com
in and focused on the oil & gas, general building, power and energy,
and other related sectors both onshore and offshore.
Currently we are looking for Sr. Estimator – Civil for our client a
global company has gained wide international experience in general
building projects such as; high rise buildings/office buildings, hotel
and apartments, hospitals, education facilities, sport facilities,
marine and jetty, etc.
Sr. Estimator – Civil
General Requirements:
• Min. graduated Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering
• Min. 10 year experiences in estimating
• In depth market knowledge
• In depth knowledge of estimating software [CCS]
• A working in Indonesia is preferable
• Fluent in English (spoken and written) and Bahasa Indonesia
• Responsible for examining the tender as a whole for alternatives and
possible value engineering to give us the edge over the competition.
• Reviewing of tender documentation and establish individual tasks,
such as planning, engineering, take off, and site visit are also your
• Preparing and also identifying the documentation that requires issue
to subcontractors and materials suppliers.
• To price the tender in a competitive and comprehensive manner
• Keep the chief estimator up to date with the status of the tender
• Select potential sub-contractors for the various elements of work
and material suppliers
• Review subcontract and material quotations to ensure technical compliance
• Negotiate with and identify new subcontractors to obtain competitive bids
• Monitor subcontractors pricing levels and performance
• Prepare the estimation using causeway software and top sheet for
review with chief estimator
• Prepare tender submission documentation with assistance from the
chief estimator
• Maintain proper records relating to the tender including post tender
The employment status is permanent with 3 months probation.
Please send your updated CV with recent photograph to: L.Puang@Burdock.com
Posisi yang Dibutuhkan :
1. Process Engineer (2 Orang)
- Pengalaman asbuilt drawing di offshore (minimal 3 kali)
- Mengerti PID dan HAZOP
- Min. S1 Mekanikal / Kimia
- Mampu Membuat Mark Up PID / HAZOP
- Pernah Training Basic Sea Survival
- Dapat segera bergabung
2. Instrument Engineer (2 Orang)
- Pengalaman asbuilt drawing di offshore (minimal 3 kali)
- Mengerti PID dan HAZOP
- Min. S1 Fisika / Electro
- Mampu Membuat Mark Up PID / HAZOP
- Pernah Training Basic Sea Survival
- Dapat segera bergabung
3. Piping Designer (2 Orang)
- Pengalaman asbuilt drawing di offshore (minimal 3 kali)
- Pengalaman sebagai Designer 5 tahun
- Min. D3 Engineering
- Mengerti PID
Kirimkan segera CV lengkap ke email : wahyuramadhani1739 @ gmail.com
CC: bhallox @ gmail.com
1. Process Engineer (2 Orang)
- Pengalaman asbuilt drawing di offshore (minimal 3 kali)
- Mengerti PID dan HAZOP
- Min. S1 Mekanikal / Kimia
- Mampu Membuat Mark Up PID / HAZOP
- Pernah Training Basic Sea Survival
- Dapat segera bergabung
2. Instrument Engineer (2 Orang)
- Pengalaman asbuilt drawing di offshore (minimal 3 kali)
- Mengerti PID dan HAZOP
- Min. S1 Fisika / Electro
- Mampu Membuat Mark Up PID / HAZOP
- Pernah Training Basic Sea Survival
- Dapat segera bergabung
3. Piping Designer (2 Orang)
- Pengalaman asbuilt drawing di offshore (minimal 3 kali)
- Pengalaman sebagai Designer 5 tahun
- Min. D3 Engineering
- Mengerti PID
Kirimkan segera CV lengkap ke email : wahyuramadhani1739 @ gmail.com
CC: bhallox @ gmail.com
Vacancy : Accounting Executive
PT. Sahabat Utama is a Group National Company with specialty in
retailer and distributor of exclusive pen in Indonesia since 1992, known as
Parker Pen, Rotring, and Waterman.
With expanding our market in many
lines business, we dare the best performance candidates to join ourteam as :
Accounting Executive (AccExe)
Expired Date : 31 Agustus 2013
- Male/Female max 27 years old
- Bachelor Degree of Finance, Business, or
- 1 year related experience are preferred but
fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Have a strong interpersonal and able to work
in team or independently
- Detail oriented
- Able to tracking budget expenses and
reporting research result
- Willing to be placed at West Jakarta
Rush your comprehensive resume with recent
photograph and put the position code (AccExe) at e-mail subject to :
Muhammad Barlian
HR Division - Recruitment
WISMA 76 18th Floor
retailer and distributor of exclusive pen in Indonesia since 1992, known as
Parker Pen, Rotring, and Waterman.
With expanding our market in many
lines business, we dare the best performance candidates to join ourteam as :
Accounting Executive (AccExe)
Expired Date : 31 Agustus 2013
- Male/Female max 27 years old
- Bachelor Degree of Finance, Business, or
- 1 year related experience are preferred but
fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Have a strong interpersonal and able to work
in team or independently
- Detail oriented
- Able to tracking budget expenses and
reporting research result
- Willing to be placed at West Jakarta
Rush your comprehensive resume with recent
photograph and put the position code (AccExe) at e-mail subject to :
Muhammad Barlian
HR Division - Recruitment
WISMA 76 18th Floor
Urgent Open Positions - Sr. Civil Estimator
Burdock Group is a global recruitment and consultancy company active
in and focused on the oil & gas, general building, power and energy,
and other related sectors both onshore and offshore.
Currently we are looking for Sr. Estimator – Civil for our client a
global company has gained wide international experience in general
building projects such as; high rise buildings/office buildings,
marine and jetty construction, etc.
Sr. Estimator – Civil
• Responsible for examining the tender as a whole for alternatives and
possible value engineering to give us the edge over the competition.
• Reviewing of tender documentation and establish individual tasks,
such as planning, engineering, take off, and site visit are also your
• Involve in preparing and also identifying the documentation that
requires issue to subcontractors and materials suppliers.
• To price the tender in a competitive and comprehensive manner
• Keep the chief estimator up to date with the status of the tender
• Select potential sub-contractors for the various elements of work
and material suppliers
• Review subcontract and material quotations to ensure technical compliance
• Negotiate with and identify new subcontractors to obtain competitive bids
• Monitor subcontractors pricing levels and performance
• Prepare the estimation using causeway software and top sheet for
review with chief estimator
• Prepare tender submission documentation with assistance from the
chief estimator
• Maintain proper records relating to the tender including post tender
General Requirements:
• Min. graduated Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering
• Min. 10 year experiences in estimating
• In depth market knowledge
• In depth knowledge of estimating software [CCS]
• Flexible, problem solver, team worker, proactive and culturally sensitive
• A working in Indonesia is preferable
• Fluent in English (spoken and written) and Bahasa Indonesia
Employment Status: Permanent with 3 months probation.
Please send your updated CV with recent photograph to: L.Puang@Burdock.com
in and focused on the oil & gas, general building, power and energy,
and other related sectors both onshore and offshore.
Currently we are looking for Sr. Estimator – Civil for our client a
global company has gained wide international experience in general
building projects such as; high rise buildings/office buildings,
marine and jetty construction, etc.
Sr. Estimator – Civil
• Responsible for examining the tender as a whole for alternatives and
possible value engineering to give us the edge over the competition.
• Reviewing of tender documentation and establish individual tasks,
such as planning, engineering, take off, and site visit are also your
• Involve in preparing and also identifying the documentation that
requires issue to subcontractors and materials suppliers.
• To price the tender in a competitive and comprehensive manner
• Keep the chief estimator up to date with the status of the tender
• Select potential sub-contractors for the various elements of work
and material suppliers
• Review subcontract and material quotations to ensure technical compliance
• Negotiate with and identify new subcontractors to obtain competitive bids
• Monitor subcontractors pricing levels and performance
• Prepare the estimation using causeway software and top sheet for
review with chief estimator
• Prepare tender submission documentation with assistance from the
chief estimator
• Maintain proper records relating to the tender including post tender
General Requirements:
• Min. graduated Bachelor Degree of Civil Engineering
• Min. 10 year experiences in estimating
• In depth market knowledge
• In depth knowledge of estimating software [CCS]
• Flexible, problem solver, team worker, proactive and culturally sensitive
• A working in Indonesia is preferable
• Fluent in English (spoken and written) and Bahasa Indonesia
Employment Status: Permanent with 3 months probation.
Please send your updated CV with recent photograph to: L.Puang@Burdock.com
Sep 18, 2013
Lowongan Tripatra
TRIPATRA (www.tripatra.com) is reputable company in energy sector, has
been operating in Indonesia almost 40 years.
Since its establishment in 1973 Tripatra has consistently offered best
solutions in energy industry. Our key strength is delivering high
quality services in Engineering, EPC, O&M, and project management
services to assist world-wide clients in various sectors: Oil & Gas,
Downstream & Petrochemical, Mining, and Infrastructure.
Tripatra has strong, committed, and professional management team,
fully supported by multidiscipline engineering workforce with high
caliber national and multinational expertise.
Our project in Senoro searching potential candidates to filled
positions as below:
1. Process Engineer
2. Mechanical Rotating Engineer
3. Mechanical Static Engineer
4. Piping & Layout Engineer
5. Piping Stress Engineer
6. Electrical Engineer
7. Instrument & Automation Engineer
8. Telcom Engineer
9. Offshore Structure Engineer
General qualification:
a. Min Bachelor Degree in engineering
b. Min 3 year experiences in design engineering for oil & gas projects
c. Capable in using design software related with each discipline, such
d. Good in English both spoken and written.
1. Process Draftsman
2. PDMS Designer
3. Electrical Designer
4. Electrical Draftsman
5. Instrument Designer
6. Instrument Draftsman
7. Telcom Designer
8. Telcom Draftsman
9. Offshore Structre Designer
General qualification:
a. Min Senior Technical School
b. Min 5 year experiences for Designer, and 3 year experiences for
Draftsman in design engineering of oil & gas projects
c. Highly skilled in operate design software such as AutoCAD, etc
d. Good in English both spoken and written.
Responsible for all aspect of field service activities including Site
Human Resources, Government & Community Relation, General Support,
Security, Camp Operation.
a. Min Bachelor Degree
b. Min 7 year experiences in handling project or site with monitoring
around 400 employees
c. Strong leadership, excellent verbal communication and interpersonal
skill, hard worker and having capability to work under pressure.
d. Willing to be located in Site Project
D. QA Engineer
a. Draw up a Project Quality Plan and Project Quality Procedures which
guarantee compliance with contractual requirements and ISO Standards;
b. To ensure the implementation, updating, review and auditing of the
Project Quality management System in accordance with International
Standards, Legislation, Corporate and Client's requirements;
c. To establish and implement the Project internal and external
Quality audit programmes;
d. To be responsible for an effective handling of customer complaints
and internal abnormalities and submit all relevant information on
preventive and corrective actions;
e. To execute the internal Project Quality Audits Plan and coordinate
the external Project Audits.
f. To administer and maintain the Project Quality Management System
with particular focus on procedures, work instructions, corrective
actions and root cause analysis of deficiencies;
g. Monitors and to follow up the adequate close-out of NC;
h. To develop and implement the Project Quality Awareness and Quality
Training Programmes;
i. To ensure the awareness of all Project Personnel with the Project
Quality policies, procedures and relevant location legislation;
j. To coordinate with other function within project for all issues
related to the implementation of the Project Quality Management
k. To monitor the achievement of the Project Quality Objectives and to
initiate correction and corrective action when planned results are not
l. Reviewing and approving of Subcontractors and Supplier's Quality
m. Monitors the collection of "As built" data for projects;
n. Updates internal Project QA Database with all the information
(Corrective Action Request-CAR, Non Conformity-NC, Equipment
Calibration etc.) which is coming from the project and the site and
preparing annual statistic analysis;
o. Ensuring Weldtrac and pipetrac system is being implemented within
all construction activities;
p. Initiates and promotes all necessary corrective actions for any
failure identified with project quality system;
q. Assist Project QA Manager in preparing and conducting Project
Quality Management Review.
a. Min Bachelor Degree from Engineering
b. Min 5 year experiences in quality assurance for oil & gas industry
c. Certified as Auditor
d. Good in English both spoken and written
Please kindly submit your CV to
cc. to:
Only shortlisted will be notified.
been operating in Indonesia almost 40 years.
Since its establishment in 1973 Tripatra has consistently offered best
solutions in energy industry. Our key strength is delivering high
quality services in Engineering, EPC, O&M, and project management
services to assist world-wide clients in various sectors: Oil & Gas,
Downstream & Petrochemical, Mining, and Infrastructure.
Tripatra has strong, committed, and professional management team,
fully supported by multidiscipline engineering workforce with high
caliber national and multinational expertise.
Our project in Senoro searching potential candidates to filled
positions as below:
1. Process Engineer
2. Mechanical Rotating Engineer
3. Mechanical Static Engineer
4. Piping & Layout Engineer
5. Piping Stress Engineer
6. Electrical Engineer
7. Instrument & Automation Engineer
8. Telcom Engineer
9. Offshore Structure Engineer
General qualification:
a. Min Bachelor Degree in engineering
b. Min 3 year experiences in design engineering for oil & gas projects
c. Capable in using design software related with each discipline, such
d. Good in English both spoken and written.
1. Process Draftsman
2. PDMS Designer
3. Electrical Designer
4. Electrical Draftsman
5. Instrument Designer
6. Instrument Draftsman
7. Telcom Designer
8. Telcom Draftsman
9. Offshore Structre Designer
General qualification:
a. Min Senior Technical School
b. Min 5 year experiences for Designer, and 3 year experiences for
Draftsman in design engineering of oil & gas projects
c. Highly skilled in operate design software such as AutoCAD, etc
d. Good in English both spoken and written.
Responsible for all aspect of field service activities including Site
Human Resources, Government & Community Relation, General Support,
Security, Camp Operation.
a. Min Bachelor Degree
b. Min 7 year experiences in handling project or site with monitoring
around 400 employees
c. Strong leadership, excellent verbal communication and interpersonal
skill, hard worker and having capability to work under pressure.
d. Willing to be located in Site Project
D. QA Engineer
a. Draw up a Project Quality Plan and Project Quality Procedures which
guarantee compliance with contractual requirements and ISO Standards;
b. To ensure the implementation, updating, review and auditing of the
Project Quality management System in accordance with International
Standards, Legislation, Corporate and Client's requirements;
c. To establish and implement the Project internal and external
Quality audit programmes;
d. To be responsible for an effective handling of customer complaints
and internal abnormalities and submit all relevant information on
preventive and corrective actions;
e. To execute the internal Project Quality Audits Plan and coordinate
the external Project Audits.
f. To administer and maintain the Project Quality Management System
with particular focus on procedures, work instructions, corrective
actions and root cause analysis of deficiencies;
g. Monitors and to follow up the adequate close-out of NC;
h. To develop and implement the Project Quality Awareness and Quality
Training Programmes;
i. To ensure the awareness of all Project Personnel with the Project
Quality policies, procedures and relevant location legislation;
j. To coordinate with other function within project for all issues
related to the implementation of the Project Quality Management
k. To monitor the achievement of the Project Quality Objectives and to
initiate correction and corrective action when planned results are not
l. Reviewing and approving of Subcontractors and Supplier's Quality
m. Monitors the collection of "As built" data for projects;
n. Updates internal Project QA Database with all the information
(Corrective Action Request-CAR, Non Conformity-NC, Equipment
Calibration etc.) which is coming from the project and the site and
preparing annual statistic analysis;
o. Ensuring Weldtrac and pipetrac system is being implemented within
all construction activities;
p. Initiates and promotes all necessary corrective actions for any
failure identified with project quality system;
q. Assist Project QA Manager in preparing and conducting Project
Quality Management Review.
a. Min Bachelor Degree from Engineering
b. Min 5 year experiences in quality assurance for oil & gas industry
c. Certified as Auditor
d. Good in English both spoken and written
Please kindly submit your CV to
cc. to:
Only shortlisted will be notified.
Lowongan Donggi-Senoro LNG
PT Donggi-Senoro LNG ("DSLNG") is the first LNG Joint Venture project
developed as a downstream business activity in Indonesia. DSLNG's
facility located in Uso, Banggai Regency of Central Sulawesi, has a
production capacity of 2 Million tonnes of LNG per annum. Striving to
be a world class facility, DSLNG is committed to becoming a safe and
reliable provider of LNG.
To strengthen the team in DSLNG, we are looking for dynamic
professionals to fill the following positions:
Basic Function:
Ensure the coordination in developing Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS) with EPC Contractor, review and verify EPC
contractor's deliverables related to maintenance requirement and
develop maintenance employee from recruitment, training and on the job
• At least 10 years in LNG Plant Operations, of which 5-8 years of
supervisory experience, or
• Minimum 10 years in hydrocarbon industry experience (16 years, if
the shift superintendent route has been followed), of which 4 years in
a supervisory position in LNG operations.
Basic Function:
Plan, direct, and implement asset integrity by executing proper
inspection and direction of remedy in order to avoid shutdown or fatal
• Bachelor degree in Metallurgy or Mechanical Engineering
• At least 12 years in Oil & Gas Industry as metallurgist, mechanical
engineer, or inspectors having experience of developing the inspection
• Experienced with MIGAS for the certificate updates/extension.
Basic Function:
Coordinate all Emergency Response (ER) operations matters to ensure
HSE operational support in DSLNG site is legally compliant.
• Bachelor degree in technical/engineering. Tertiary education in OHS
or QHSE matters is an advantage
• Certified on world-class safety skills in previous organization
• At least 10 years of QHSE experience in major company related to Oil
& Gas, LNG and Petrochemical industry
Basic Function:
Develop laboratory work procedures and execute all laboratory test
activities, specifically the analysis of fluid in the plant, in order
to ensure those activities comply with required specification and
laboratory schedule.
• Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering
• At least 5 years of experience as technician in LNG operations
Basic Function:
Monitor and carry out overall land acquisition efforts in various
locations in project site, resolve and control grievances or any
issues related to land acquisition, address the local community and/or
government problems and/or challenges in continuous consultation with
Legal Department and management of DSLNG.
• Bachelor degree in any discipline
• At least 8 years of experience with proven track record in the
acquisition process and "closing the deal" with strong, established
network within the field (preferable)
• Will be based permanently at Site (Point of Hire: Site-Luwuk)
General requirement for all positions:
• Be proficient in oral and written English
• Work Location – Site Office, Central Sulawesi
The company will provide excellent remuneration and benefits package
commensurate with qualification and experience. Please send your
complete application letter, CV, recent photograph, current
renumeration and expected renumeration to
recruitment@donggi-senoro.com and put job title name and code as the
email Subject (not more than 300kb). Only short listed Candidates will
be contacted
developed as a downstream business activity in Indonesia. DSLNG's
facility located in Uso, Banggai Regency of Central Sulawesi, has a
production capacity of 2 Million tonnes of LNG per annum. Striving to
be a world class facility, DSLNG is committed to becoming a safe and
reliable provider of LNG.
To strengthen the team in DSLNG, we are looking for dynamic
professionals to fill the following positions:
Basic Function:
Ensure the coordination in developing Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS) with EPC Contractor, review and verify EPC
contractor's deliverables related to maintenance requirement and
develop maintenance employee from recruitment, training and on the job
• At least 10 years in LNG Plant Operations, of which 5-8 years of
supervisory experience, or
• Minimum 10 years in hydrocarbon industry experience (16 years, if
the shift superintendent route has been followed), of which 4 years in
a supervisory position in LNG operations.
Basic Function:
Plan, direct, and implement asset integrity by executing proper
inspection and direction of remedy in order to avoid shutdown or fatal
• Bachelor degree in Metallurgy or Mechanical Engineering
• At least 12 years in Oil & Gas Industry as metallurgist, mechanical
engineer, or inspectors having experience of developing the inspection
• Experienced with MIGAS for the certificate updates/extension.
Basic Function:
Coordinate all Emergency Response (ER) operations matters to ensure
HSE operational support in DSLNG site is legally compliant.
• Bachelor degree in technical/engineering. Tertiary education in OHS
or QHSE matters is an advantage
• Certified on world-class safety skills in previous organization
• At least 10 years of QHSE experience in major company related to Oil
& Gas, LNG and Petrochemical industry
Basic Function:
Develop laboratory work procedures and execute all laboratory test
activities, specifically the analysis of fluid in the plant, in order
to ensure those activities comply with required specification and
laboratory schedule.
• Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering
• At least 5 years of experience as technician in LNG operations
Basic Function:
Monitor and carry out overall land acquisition efforts in various
locations in project site, resolve and control grievances or any
issues related to land acquisition, address the local community and/or
government problems and/or challenges in continuous consultation with
Legal Department and management of DSLNG.
• Bachelor degree in any discipline
• At least 8 years of experience with proven track record in the
acquisition process and "closing the deal" with strong, established
network within the field (preferable)
• Will be based permanently at Site (Point of Hire: Site-Luwuk)
General requirement for all positions:
• Be proficient in oral and written English
• Work Location – Site Office, Central Sulawesi
The company will provide excellent remuneration and benefits package
commensurate with qualification and experience. Please send your
complete application letter, CV, recent photograph, current
renumeration and expected renumeration to
recruitment@donggi-senoro.com and put job title name and code as the
email Subject (not more than 300kb). Only short listed Candidates will
be contacted
Lowongan Prabu Energy
company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange are looking to hire
some positions, to be based in Jakarta, to manage its operations in
Jakarta and South Sumatra.
General Manager
We are looking for an individual who has at least 10 years successful
and proven general management and leadership experience in the Oil &
Gas industry. It is preferred that the individual has experience
working with an International oil company running Seismic and Drilling
operations. Bachelor degree in engineering, geosciences or business is
preferred and a strong working knowledge of English is critical.
We would rely upon this individual to manage all day to day operations
and reporting, and liaise with government agencies to seek various
approvals for the company's operations, so experience in this area is
considered very important.
Senior Finance
We are looking for an individual to fill the role of Senior Finance
based in Jakarta. The person we are looking for must have minimum of 5
years experience in Finance within the Oil & Gas Industry. Bachelor
degree in either Accounting / Economics.
We would rely on this person to manage the day to day Finance
reporting for the company while working closely with the SKK MIGAS,
dealing with AFE's, WP&B and Cost Recovery claims
Proficient in English is a must and Strong Computer Skills are essential.
Procurement Specialist
We are looking for a person with at least 5 years experience in the
Oil & Gas industry with a particular emphasis on the workings of
PSC's, Supply chains, Procurement Contract Management and Document
Preparation for Tender and Purchase.
Proficient in English is a must, strong computer skills and PTK-007
certificate are essential.
If you meet these above requirements, please kindly send your CV and
stated your expected salary to: risma.silalahi@prabuenergy.com
Lowongan Foster Energy
Kami merupakan Perusahaan Investor Asing sebagai Operator Hulu Minyak
dan Gas Bumi Darat yang bekerjasama dengan PT. Pertamina EP, dimana
saat ini mencari dan membutuhkan tenaga Profesional untuk mengisi
beberapa posisi jabatan dibawah ini:
General Manager
(Kode Jabatan: 101/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor dan bertanggung jawab kepada PT. PERTAMINA EP dan Pemegang
Saham Perusahaan
2. Memimpin, mengelola dan memantau pelaksanaan kegiatan perusahaan
yang mencakup eksploitasi dan operasi darat dan juga business support
dengan memperhatikan pihak-pihak terkait baik intern maupun ekstern
untuk menjamin tercapainya target.
3. Menentukan perencanaan dan pengendalian seluruh kegiatan
pengoperasian perusahaan secara ekonomis dan efektif.
4. Melakukan pengendalian, pengawasan dan evaluasi atas pelaksanaan
baik operasi K3LL maupun strategi penggunaan teknologi/metoda produksi
dengan mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang tersedia.
5. Merencanakan, mengatur dan mengawasi pelaksanaan manajemen resiko
dan manajemen invetasi agar dapat menentukan kebijakan menghadapi
resiko dan pensiasatan terhadap dana investasi yang diperoleh untuk
menghasilkan sasaran yang paling optimal.
6. Melaksanakan program kerja dan anggaran yang telah disetujui oleh
Direksi PT. Pertamina EP secara efektif, efisien dan ekonomis.
7. Merencanakan, mengawasi dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pembinaan
untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan disiplin kerja
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimum Sarjana Strata-1 Teknik
3. Berpengalaman 10 tahun di jenjang manajerial pada Operator Hulu
Minyak dan Gas Bumi.
4. Memahami operasi K3LL maupun strategi penggunaan teknologi
eksploitasi dan produksi
5. Menguasai proses WP&B dan AFE.
6. Menguasai identifikasi jenis resiko geologi, operasi maupun finansial.
7. Menguasai audit teknis, audit K3LL, audit manajemen, prosedur dan finansial.
8. Menguasai strategi dalam pelaksanaan organisasi dan uraian jabatan
di bawahnya.
9. Mampu memimpin dan tegas
10. Memiliki kepribadian yang cermat dan analistik, sabar dan tekun,
komunikatif dan kreatif, dapat bekerjasama dalam tim, tahan bekerja
dalam tekanan, integritas yang tinggi, dan berwibawa.
Exploitation Manager
(Kode Jabatan: 102/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor kepada General Manager
2. Mengelola dan mengarahkan tim Geologi & Geofisika dan tim Reservoir
3. Merumuskan sasaran, mengkoordinasikan, mengarahkan dan
mengendalikan semua kegiatan eksploitasi darat untuk mencapai
perolehan minyak bumi secara optimal dan ekonomis
4. Mengelola dan memantau aktivitas eksploitasi baik di Kantor Pusat
maupun Lapangan darat melalui Penyedia barang dan/atau jasa
5. Memperhatikan faktor K3L dalam menjalankan program.
6. Melakukan diskusi dengan PT. Pertamina EP dan juga Kontraktor untuk
proyek-proyek dan study, review, serta mengajukan proposal infill
drilling dan mengeksekusi suatu projek.
7. Menyusun program kerja dan schedule suatu proyek untuk jangka
pendek ( 1 – 2 tahun) dan jangka Panjang (2 – 5 tahun) berikutnya
serta menjalankan komitmen secara cermat dan tepat waktu.
8. Bersama tim melakukan perhitungan reserves dengan baik dan wajar
sesuai dengan kondisi data yang ada.
9. Paham mengenai Dynamic, Facies, Structure dan Fault Modelling,
J-function dan simulasi untuk EOR, Well Injector; Memahami sotfware RE
(ECLIPSE Petrel, CMG/Computer Manager Group); Memahami software
Produksi (OFM/Oil Filed Management), PETEX (Petroleum Expert), dsb.);
dan memahami jenis pompa atau yang lain dalam meningkatkan produksi
serta menjaga stabilitas.
10. Mengikuti dan aktif untuk teknologi baru terutama di bidang
industri Minyak dan Gas.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimum Sarjana Strata-1 Teknik Geologi atau Teknik Perminyakan.
3. Mengerti dan menguasai Seismic 2D/ 3D, membuat konsep, perhitungan
statistik, reservoir, dan produksi migas.
4. Mengerti proses dan penyusunan WP&B dan pengajuan AFE
5. Dapat memimpin, cermat, detail, analisa.
6. Sertifikasi Prosesing dan Akuisisi, serta software Geofisis (MESSA,
Promag, dsb.) dan Geologi (Petrel, Kingdom, Roxar , Tehlog, Geolog
7. Pengalaman mininal 7 tahun sebagai pemimpin dalam Eksploitasi dan
Produksi, serta 12 tahun menangani kegiatan Geologi, Geofisika,
Reservoir dan Produksi sumur di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan
di Industri Minyak dan Gas.
8. Mengerti dan berpengalaman sebagai Reservoir Geologi dan juga
Facies klastik maupun Carbonate, Sequence Stratigraphy dan juga
surface dan subsurface geologi.
Operation Manager
(Kode Jabatan: 103/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor kepada General Manager
2. Mengelola dan mengarahkan tim Pengeboran, tim Fasilitas Produksi,
tim Operasi Lapangan dan tim Penganggaran dan Pengendalian Biaya
3. Mengkoordinasikan pelaksanaan kegiatan pemboran dan kerja ulang
sumur, produksi, operasi lapangan, dan memantau penggunaan anggaran
maupun biaya projek migas sesuai dengan program dan prosedur yang
telah ditetapkan.
4. Mengkoordinasikan pelaksanaan kegiatan produksi migas yang meliputi
peningkatan dan pertahanan laju produksi serta pengawasan operasi
fasilitas produksi dengan memperhatikan efisiensi, keselamatan kerja
dan penggunaan anggaran produksi.
5. Memantau kegiatan operasional di lapangan yang mencakup K3LL,
keamanan, humas, pemeliharaan dan fungsi pendukung lainnya.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Minimum Sarjana Strata-1 Teknik
3. Berpengalaman 5 tahun di kapasitas Pemimpin dan 10 tahun sebagai
Staff atau Senior Staff teknik bidang pengeboran dan kerja ulang
sumur, operasi lapangan, fasilitas produksi dan pengendalian anggaran
maupun biaya operasi di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi.
4. Menguasai proses dan penyusunan WP&B dan pengajuan AFE.
5. Menguasai unsur penunjang teknik dan kebutuhan material operasi
pemboran, perbaikan, reopening, stimulasi dan perawatan sumur migas
6. Menguasai prosedur pengoperasian fasilitas produksi hulu migas.
7. Menguasai teknik produksi migas.
8. Menguasai sistem pemeliharaan dan perawatan fasilitas produksi hulu migas.
9. Mampu memimpin tim dan tegas
10. Memiliki kepribadian yang cermat dan analistik, sabar dan tekun,
komunikatif dan kreatif, dapat bekerjasama dalam team, tahan bekerja
dalam tekanan, integritas yang tinggi, dan berwibawa.
Head of Facility Engineer
(Kode Jabatan: 104/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama:
1. Melapor kepada Operation Manager
2. Mengelola proses realisasi proyek dari studi kelayakan melalui
konsep dan proses desain secara terperinci.
3. Mengidentifikasi dan melakukan analisa biaya manfaat pada fasilitas
dan optimasi peluang.
4. Membangun dan mengimplementasikan Fasilitas Produksi yang sejalan
dengan rencana bisnis.
5. Memastikan rencana Fasilitas Produksi untuk mendukung kebutuhan bisnis.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S-1) Teknik Perminyakan atau Setara
3. Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun sebagai Head of Facility Engineer,
atau 10 tahun sebagai Staff Teknik.
4. Menguasai K3LL dan prosedurnya untuk Fasilitas Produksi hulu migas.
5. Menguasai proses dan penyusunan WP&B dan pengajuan AFE
6. Memiliki kepribadian yang cermat dan analistik, sabar dan tekun,
komunikatif dan kreatif, dapat bekerjasama dalam team, tahan bekerja
dalam tekanan, integritas yang tinggi dan berwibawa.
HSE Coordinator
(Kode Jabatan: 105/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor kepada General Manager.
2. Mengelola dan mengarahkan tim K3L di Kantor Jakarta dan Lapangan Darat
3. Meninjau, mengembangkan, merancang, mengusulkan program K3LL baik
yang telah berjalan sebelumnya maupun yang belum berjalan dan
penerapannya sesuai peraturan atau perundang-undangan K3L yang berlaku
khususnya di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Darat.
4. Melakukan pengawasan atas perbaikan/ pemeliharaan semua peralatan
yang berkaitan dengan proses eksplorasi, pengeboran, produksi dan
operasi harian hulu migas darat beserta alat keselamatannya agar
selalu baik dan aman untuk dipakai.
5. Mengawasi pelaksanaan penemenuhan standar Perusahaan dalam
keselamatan kerja sesuai dengan peraturan Pemerintah lokal dan
perundang-undangan K3LL yang berlaku khususnya di Operator Hulu Minyak
dan Gas Bumi Darat.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S-1) Teknik Lingkungan atau K3
3. Memiliki sertifikasi Ahli K3L Minyak dan Gas Bumi
4. Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun sebagai Senior Staff, atau 10 tahun
sebagai Staff Teknik atau Staff K3L di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas
5. Memahami operasi K3LL termasuk proses perizinan lingkungan baik
sebelum maupun setelah aktivitas pengeboran dan produksi minyak dan
gas bumi khususnya di darat.
6. Mengerti proses dan penyusunan WP&B dan pengajuan AFE.
7. Menguasai identifikasi jenis resiko.
8. Menguasai audit K3LL dan prosedur.
9. Memiliki kepribadian yang cermat dan analistik, sabar dan tekun,
komunikatif dan kreatif, dapat bekerjasama dalam tim, tahan bekerja
dalam tekanan, integritas yang tinggi dan berwibawa.
(Kode Jabatan: 106/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Interpretasi Seismic dan Sumur dicocokan dengan seismik
2. Mengajukan usulan sumur dengan penghitungan cadangan
3. WP & B; dan membuat materi presentasi
4. Membuat AFE dan studi G&G
5. Membuat laporan dengan team G&G
6. Bekerja bersama sama dengan tim yang lain
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S-1) Jurusan Geofisika atau Geologi
2. Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun di hulu minyak dan gas
3. Memahami pemetaan bawah permukaan dan Korelasi Stratigraphy dan
struktur, serta Syntetic Seismogram.
4. Analitis, teliti, detail, komunikasi baik, dapat bekerja dengan
sedikit pengawasan, jujur dan dapat dipercaya.
5. Memiliki sertfikat training seismik dan Interpretasi, Software
Kingdom, Petrel Geologi, Roxar dsb
Budget and Cost Control
(Kode Jabatan: 107/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor kepada Operation Manager
2. Bekerja sama dengan tim Keuangan melaksanakan penyusunan rencana
kerja dan anggaran perusahaan (RKAP), WP&B, dan pencatatan transaksi
biaya sesuai ketentuan perusahaan yang berlaku.
3. Merencanakan, mengelola dan mengawasi penyusunan dan pelaksanaan
RKAP dan WP&B termasuk pengendalian biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk
menunjang kegiatan proyek yang meliputi pengeboran, seismik dan
4. Pengendalian dan pengawasan terhadap pengeluaran biaya untuk
kegiatan proyek yang meliputi pemeriksaan tagihan dari Kontraktor
sesuai nilai kontrak tender
5. membuat jadwal dan sasaran penyelesaian proyek serta memastikan
kegiatan proyek berjalan sesuai jadwal yang dibuat.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata-1 (S1) Teknik Perminyakan atau setara.
3. Pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bidang penganggaran dan
pengendalian biaya kegiatan proyek di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas
4. Mengerti WP&B dan AFE serta pelaporan biaya lainnya
5. Mengerti teknik pengeboran dan fasilitas produksi minyak dan gas bumi
6. Mengerti manajemen proyek termasuk prencanaan, penjadwalan dan
pengendalian biaya di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi
7. Mengerti isi kontrak termasuk nilai perkiraan biaya pengadaan
barang dan jasa oleh Penyedia Barang dan Jasa
8. Analitis, teliti, detail, komunikasi baik, dapat bekerja dengan
sedikit pengawasan, jujur dan dapat dipercaya.
Jika ada Pelamar yang sesuai dengan persyaratan kebutuhan di atas,
harap kirimkan rincian CV, lengkap dengan pas-foto berwarna ke alamat
e-mail perusahaan kami di:
Tanggal penutupan adalah dua (2) minggu dari tanggal iklan lowongan
pekerjaan ini. Mohon cantumkan Kode Jabatan (di dalam kurung) yang
dilamar pada judul (subject) e-mail lamaran pekerjaan anda.
dan Gas Bumi Darat yang bekerjasama dengan PT. Pertamina EP, dimana
saat ini mencari dan membutuhkan tenaga Profesional untuk mengisi
beberapa posisi jabatan dibawah ini:
General Manager
(Kode Jabatan: 101/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor dan bertanggung jawab kepada PT. PERTAMINA EP dan Pemegang
Saham Perusahaan
2. Memimpin, mengelola dan memantau pelaksanaan kegiatan perusahaan
yang mencakup eksploitasi dan operasi darat dan juga business support
dengan memperhatikan pihak-pihak terkait baik intern maupun ekstern
untuk menjamin tercapainya target.
3. Menentukan perencanaan dan pengendalian seluruh kegiatan
pengoperasian perusahaan secara ekonomis dan efektif.
4. Melakukan pengendalian, pengawasan dan evaluasi atas pelaksanaan
baik operasi K3LL maupun strategi penggunaan teknologi/metoda produksi
dengan mengoptimalkan sumber daya yang tersedia.
5. Merencanakan, mengatur dan mengawasi pelaksanaan manajemen resiko
dan manajemen invetasi agar dapat menentukan kebijakan menghadapi
resiko dan pensiasatan terhadap dana investasi yang diperoleh untuk
menghasilkan sasaran yang paling optimal.
6. Melaksanakan program kerja dan anggaran yang telah disetujui oleh
Direksi PT. Pertamina EP secara efektif, efisien dan ekonomis.
7. Merencanakan, mengawasi dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan pembinaan
untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan disiplin kerja
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimum Sarjana Strata-1 Teknik
3. Berpengalaman 10 tahun di jenjang manajerial pada Operator Hulu
Minyak dan Gas Bumi.
4. Memahami operasi K3LL maupun strategi penggunaan teknologi
eksploitasi dan produksi
5. Menguasai proses WP&B dan AFE.
6. Menguasai identifikasi jenis resiko geologi, operasi maupun finansial.
7. Menguasai audit teknis, audit K3LL, audit manajemen, prosedur dan finansial.
8. Menguasai strategi dalam pelaksanaan organisasi dan uraian jabatan
di bawahnya.
9. Mampu memimpin dan tegas
10. Memiliki kepribadian yang cermat dan analistik, sabar dan tekun,
komunikatif dan kreatif, dapat bekerjasama dalam tim, tahan bekerja
dalam tekanan, integritas yang tinggi, dan berwibawa.
Exploitation Manager
(Kode Jabatan: 102/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor kepada General Manager
2. Mengelola dan mengarahkan tim Geologi & Geofisika dan tim Reservoir
3. Merumuskan sasaran, mengkoordinasikan, mengarahkan dan
mengendalikan semua kegiatan eksploitasi darat untuk mencapai
perolehan minyak bumi secara optimal dan ekonomis
4. Mengelola dan memantau aktivitas eksploitasi baik di Kantor Pusat
maupun Lapangan darat melalui Penyedia barang dan/atau jasa
5. Memperhatikan faktor K3L dalam menjalankan program.
6. Melakukan diskusi dengan PT. Pertamina EP dan juga Kontraktor untuk
proyek-proyek dan study, review, serta mengajukan proposal infill
drilling dan mengeksekusi suatu projek.
7. Menyusun program kerja dan schedule suatu proyek untuk jangka
pendek ( 1 – 2 tahun) dan jangka Panjang (2 – 5 tahun) berikutnya
serta menjalankan komitmen secara cermat dan tepat waktu.
8. Bersama tim melakukan perhitungan reserves dengan baik dan wajar
sesuai dengan kondisi data yang ada.
9. Paham mengenai Dynamic, Facies, Structure dan Fault Modelling,
J-function dan simulasi untuk EOR, Well Injector; Memahami sotfware RE
(ECLIPSE Petrel, CMG/Computer Manager Group); Memahami software
Produksi (OFM/Oil Filed Management), PETEX (Petroleum Expert), dsb.);
dan memahami jenis pompa atau yang lain dalam meningkatkan produksi
serta menjaga stabilitas.
10. Mengikuti dan aktif untuk teknologi baru terutama di bidang
industri Minyak dan Gas.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimum Sarjana Strata-1 Teknik Geologi atau Teknik Perminyakan.
3. Mengerti dan menguasai Seismic 2D/ 3D, membuat konsep, perhitungan
statistik, reservoir, dan produksi migas.
4. Mengerti proses dan penyusunan WP&B dan pengajuan AFE
5. Dapat memimpin, cermat, detail, analisa.
6. Sertifikasi Prosesing dan Akuisisi, serta software Geofisis (MESSA,
Promag, dsb.) dan Geologi (Petrel, Kingdom, Roxar , Tehlog, Geolog
7. Pengalaman mininal 7 tahun sebagai pemimpin dalam Eksploitasi dan
Produksi, serta 12 tahun menangani kegiatan Geologi, Geofisika,
Reservoir dan Produksi sumur di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi dan
di Industri Minyak dan Gas.
8. Mengerti dan berpengalaman sebagai Reservoir Geologi dan juga
Facies klastik maupun Carbonate, Sequence Stratigraphy dan juga
surface dan subsurface geologi.
Operation Manager
(Kode Jabatan: 103/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor kepada General Manager
2. Mengelola dan mengarahkan tim Pengeboran, tim Fasilitas Produksi,
tim Operasi Lapangan dan tim Penganggaran dan Pengendalian Biaya
3. Mengkoordinasikan pelaksanaan kegiatan pemboran dan kerja ulang
sumur, produksi, operasi lapangan, dan memantau penggunaan anggaran
maupun biaya projek migas sesuai dengan program dan prosedur yang
telah ditetapkan.
4. Mengkoordinasikan pelaksanaan kegiatan produksi migas yang meliputi
peningkatan dan pertahanan laju produksi serta pengawasan operasi
fasilitas produksi dengan memperhatikan efisiensi, keselamatan kerja
dan penggunaan anggaran produksi.
5. Memantau kegiatan operasional di lapangan yang mencakup K3LL,
keamanan, humas, pemeliharaan dan fungsi pendukung lainnya.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Minimum Sarjana Strata-1 Teknik
3. Berpengalaman 5 tahun di kapasitas Pemimpin dan 10 tahun sebagai
Staff atau Senior Staff teknik bidang pengeboran dan kerja ulang
sumur, operasi lapangan, fasilitas produksi dan pengendalian anggaran
maupun biaya operasi di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi.
4. Menguasai proses dan penyusunan WP&B dan pengajuan AFE.
5. Menguasai unsur penunjang teknik dan kebutuhan material operasi
pemboran, perbaikan, reopening, stimulasi dan perawatan sumur migas
6. Menguasai prosedur pengoperasian fasilitas produksi hulu migas.
7. Menguasai teknik produksi migas.
8. Menguasai sistem pemeliharaan dan perawatan fasilitas produksi hulu migas.
9. Mampu memimpin tim dan tegas
10. Memiliki kepribadian yang cermat dan analistik, sabar dan tekun,
komunikatif dan kreatif, dapat bekerjasama dalam team, tahan bekerja
dalam tekanan, integritas yang tinggi, dan berwibawa.
Head of Facility Engineer
(Kode Jabatan: 104/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama:
1. Melapor kepada Operation Manager
2. Mengelola proses realisasi proyek dari studi kelayakan melalui
konsep dan proses desain secara terperinci.
3. Mengidentifikasi dan melakukan analisa biaya manfaat pada fasilitas
dan optimasi peluang.
4. Membangun dan mengimplementasikan Fasilitas Produksi yang sejalan
dengan rencana bisnis.
5. Memastikan rencana Fasilitas Produksi untuk mendukung kebutuhan bisnis.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S-1) Teknik Perminyakan atau Setara
3. Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun sebagai Head of Facility Engineer,
atau 10 tahun sebagai Staff Teknik.
4. Menguasai K3LL dan prosedurnya untuk Fasilitas Produksi hulu migas.
5. Menguasai proses dan penyusunan WP&B dan pengajuan AFE
6. Memiliki kepribadian yang cermat dan analistik, sabar dan tekun,
komunikatif dan kreatif, dapat bekerjasama dalam team, tahan bekerja
dalam tekanan, integritas yang tinggi dan berwibawa.
HSE Coordinator
(Kode Jabatan: 105/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor kepada General Manager.
2. Mengelola dan mengarahkan tim K3L di Kantor Jakarta dan Lapangan Darat
3. Meninjau, mengembangkan, merancang, mengusulkan program K3LL baik
yang telah berjalan sebelumnya maupun yang belum berjalan dan
penerapannya sesuai peraturan atau perundang-undangan K3L yang berlaku
khususnya di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi Darat.
4. Melakukan pengawasan atas perbaikan/ pemeliharaan semua peralatan
yang berkaitan dengan proses eksplorasi, pengeboran, produksi dan
operasi harian hulu migas darat beserta alat keselamatannya agar
selalu baik dan aman untuk dipakai.
5. Mengawasi pelaksanaan penemenuhan standar Perusahaan dalam
keselamatan kerja sesuai dengan peraturan Pemerintah lokal dan
perundang-undangan K3LL yang berlaku khususnya di Operator Hulu Minyak
dan Gas Bumi Darat.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S-1) Teknik Lingkungan atau K3
3. Memiliki sertifikasi Ahli K3L Minyak dan Gas Bumi
4. Berpengalaman minimal 5 tahun sebagai Senior Staff, atau 10 tahun
sebagai Staff Teknik atau Staff K3L di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas
5. Memahami operasi K3LL termasuk proses perizinan lingkungan baik
sebelum maupun setelah aktivitas pengeboran dan produksi minyak dan
gas bumi khususnya di darat.
6. Mengerti proses dan penyusunan WP&B dan pengajuan AFE.
7. Menguasai identifikasi jenis resiko.
8. Menguasai audit K3LL dan prosedur.
9. Memiliki kepribadian yang cermat dan analistik, sabar dan tekun,
komunikatif dan kreatif, dapat bekerjasama dalam tim, tahan bekerja
dalam tekanan, integritas yang tinggi dan berwibawa.
(Kode Jabatan: 106/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Interpretasi Seismic dan Sumur dicocokan dengan seismik
2. Mengajukan usulan sumur dengan penghitungan cadangan
3. WP & B; dan membuat materi presentasi
4. Membuat AFE dan studi G&G
5. Membuat laporan dengan team G&G
6. Bekerja bersama sama dengan tim yang lain
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata 1 (S-1) Jurusan Geofisika atau Geologi
2. Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun di hulu minyak dan gas
3. Memahami pemetaan bawah permukaan dan Korelasi Stratigraphy dan
struktur, serta Syntetic Seismogram.
4. Analitis, teliti, detail, komunikasi baik, dapat bekerja dengan
sedikit pengawasan, jujur dan dapat dipercaya.
5. Memiliki sertfikat training seismik dan Interpretasi, Software
Kingdom, Petrel Geologi, Roxar dsb
Budget and Cost Control
(Kode Jabatan: 107/ID-0913)
Tanggung Jawab Utama
1. Melapor kepada Operation Manager
2. Bekerja sama dengan tim Keuangan melaksanakan penyusunan rencana
kerja dan anggaran perusahaan (RKAP), WP&B, dan pencatatan transaksi
biaya sesuai ketentuan perusahaan yang berlaku.
3. Merencanakan, mengelola dan mengawasi penyusunan dan pelaksanaan
RKAP dan WP&B termasuk pengendalian biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk
menunjang kegiatan proyek yang meliputi pengeboran, seismik dan
4. Pengendalian dan pengawasan terhadap pengeluaran biaya untuk
kegiatan proyek yang meliputi pemeriksaan tagihan dari Kontraktor
sesuai nilai kontrak tender
5. membuat jadwal dan sasaran penyelesaian proyek serta memastikan
kegiatan proyek berjalan sesuai jadwal yang dibuat.
Persyaratan Jabatan
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata-1 (S1) Teknik Perminyakan atau setara.
3. Pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bidang penganggaran dan
pengendalian biaya kegiatan proyek di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas
4. Mengerti WP&B dan AFE serta pelaporan biaya lainnya
5. Mengerti teknik pengeboran dan fasilitas produksi minyak dan gas bumi
6. Mengerti manajemen proyek termasuk prencanaan, penjadwalan dan
pengendalian biaya di Operator Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi
7. Mengerti isi kontrak termasuk nilai perkiraan biaya pengadaan
barang dan jasa oleh Penyedia Barang dan Jasa
8. Analitis, teliti, detail, komunikasi baik, dapat bekerja dengan
sedikit pengawasan, jujur dan dapat dipercaya.
Jika ada Pelamar yang sesuai dengan persyaratan kebutuhan di atas,
harap kirimkan rincian CV, lengkap dengan pas-foto berwarna ke alamat
e-mail perusahaan kami di:
Tanggal penutupan adalah dua (2) minggu dari tanggal iklan lowongan
pekerjaan ini. Mohon cantumkan Kode Jabatan (di dalam kurung) yang
dilamar pada judul (subject) e-mail lamaran pekerjaan anda.
Vacancy for Port Engineer in Abu Dhabi
Dear Applicant Greetings!
I have your CV and contacts details with me from the earlier communications; I
have had with you. I am presently identifying a Port Engineer / Chief
Engineer for
my client in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Can you please check if this role suits you. Can you please circulate
it among your
friends / contacts and ask them to directly write email to me if they are
interested. Please find below all information regards this vacancy.
Company Profile
The company is one of the biggest marine and infrastructure
construction companies in the
region. It is of international origin and has recently been fully acquired by
one of the largest groups in the UAE. They
have a fleet of barges and Tug Boats besides other marine vessels.
Candidate Profile(JD Attached)
Must have chief engineer valid COC from India / Pakistan/UK/Panama to
get approval
from (ADMA) Sailed as chief engineer for minimum 4+ years with more than 3000 kw
All mandatory courses and the CDC to be valid
In case you are interested in this job, kindly reply back confirming
your interest
by mail.I will need your updated CV in MS Word file.
Besides, I would like you to present to me the following information –
Nationality –
Date of Birth –
Total experience –
Current work andresidence Location
Civil Status ( Married / Single ) –
Languages known –
Visa Transferrable ( if currently resident in UAE ) – YES or NO
Current total Salary (Basic and allowances) and benefits –
Acceptance to monthly total gross (basic 60%+
supplementary allowance40%)salary
of AED.14,500. (Supplementary allowance covers
for accommodation allowance and transport allowance)plus company
shared transportation, plus annual paid
leave and medical coverage and air-tickets for self and wife –YES or NO
Earliest availability / notice period –
§ Is your
education certificate attested in home country and in UAE - YES or NO
§ Have you
sailed at level of Chief Engineer for a minimum of 4 years in vessels of 3000kv
I would also
need scanned copies of the below documents–
Valid certificates
Seaman book
GMDSS certificate
I shall be looking forward to your immediate response.
In case you are not suitable or are interested in this particular
vacancy, can I request you to forward this mail to your friends /
contacts who may be interested.
Best Regards
Aloysious D'Souza
Recruitment Manager
METCOMProjects Services FZC
( An Affiliate of The MectonGroup )
Mailing Address:| P.O. Box : 27003|Dubai - U.A.E.
Office Address: METCOM
Projects Services FZC
306, Business Centre Building, Khalid Bin Waleed Street, Bur
Email: adsouza@metcomprojects.com
Website : www.mectongroup.net / www.mectontraining.com
I have your CV and contacts details with me from the earlier communications; I
have had with you. I am presently identifying a Port Engineer / Chief
Engineer for
my client in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Can you please check if this role suits you. Can you please circulate
it among your
friends / contacts and ask them to directly write email to me if they are
interested. Please find below all information regards this vacancy.
Company Profile
The company is one of the biggest marine and infrastructure
construction companies in the
region. It is of international origin and has recently been fully acquired by
one of the largest groups in the UAE. They
have a fleet of barges and Tug Boats besides other marine vessels.
Candidate Profile(JD Attached)
Must have chief engineer valid COC from India / Pakistan/UK/Panama to
get approval
from (ADMA) Sailed as chief engineer for minimum 4+ years with more than 3000 kw
All mandatory courses and the CDC to be valid
In case you are interested in this job, kindly reply back confirming
your interest
by mail.I will need your updated CV in MS Word file.
Besides, I would like you to present to me the following information –
Nationality –
Date of Birth –
Total experience –
Current work andresidence Location
Civil Status ( Married / Single ) –
Languages known –
Visa Transferrable ( if currently resident in UAE ) – YES or NO
Current total Salary (Basic and allowances) and benefits –
Acceptance to monthly total gross (basic 60%+
supplementary allowance40%)salary
of AED.14,500. (Supplementary allowance covers
for accommodation allowance and transport allowance)plus company
shared transportation, plus annual paid
leave and medical coverage and air-tickets for self and wife –YES or NO
Earliest availability / notice period –
§ Is your
education certificate attested in home country and in UAE - YES or NO
§ Have you
sailed at level of Chief Engineer for a minimum of 4 years in vessels of 3000kv
I would also
need scanned copies of the below documents–
Valid certificates
Seaman book
GMDSS certificate
I shall be looking forward to your immediate response.
In case you are not suitable or are interested in this particular
vacancy, can I request you to forward this mail to your friends /
contacts who may be interested.
Best Regards
Aloysious D'Souza
Recruitment Manager
METCOMProjects Services FZC
( An Affiliate of The MectonGroup )
Mailing Address:| P.O. Box : 27003|Dubai - U.A.E.
Office Address: METCOM
Projects Services FZC
306, Business Centre Building, Khalid Bin Waleed Street, Bur
Email: adsouza@metcomprojects.com
Website : www.mectongroup.net / www.mectontraining.com
PT Aldaberta Indonesia Vacancies for PMC Project
Offshore and Onshore Engineering and Services for Oil & Gas Industries
We are an
Indonesian registered company that is fully licensed by the relevant government
authorities to perform onshore and offshore facilities and pipeline design,
integrity management and rehabilitation, training, instrumentation and control,
pipeline operation and maintenance and submarine pipelines and structures for
the Indonesian Offshore Oil and Gas Industry.
To fill the needs ofProject Management Project, we
are looking for the following qualified and experienced individuals to join as
1) Project Coordinator
2) Project Control
3) Civil Supervisor
4) Civil Inspector
5) Mechanical Supervisor
6) Mechanical Inspector
7) Instrument Supervisor
8) Electrical Supervisor
Requirements :
1) S1 Engineering
Background in relevant discipline ( No.1, 3-8)
2) Minimum D3/S1 Engineering
Education Background (No.2)
3) Experiences minimum
10 years at the same field in Oil & Gas Company (No.1)
4) Experiences
minimum 7/3 years at the same field in Oil & Gas Company (No.2)
5) Experiences
minimum 5 years at the same field in Oil & Gas Company (N0. 3-8)
6) Experiences
minimum 2 years in Project Management in Oil& Gas project (1-10)
7) Should be expert
with code, standard, and software engineering in relevant discipline.
8) Should have supporting certificates.
9) Should be a team player,multi tasking,passionate,hard
working,detailed oriented, motivated, loyal, and honest.
For those who qualify, send your Application Letter and
Curriculum Vitae. Note the position to proposed,expected
salary,andyour current salary to:
Gedung Menara 165, Lantai 9
JL. TB. Simatupang kav.1, Jakarta Selatan
Website : www.aldaberta.com
1. rochmat.tomi@aldaberta.com
2. f.moko@aldaberta.com
and CC to :
1. afiatmoko.fitriardi@gmail.com
Fitriardi Afiatmoko
Offshore and Onshore Engineering and Services for Oil & Gas Industries
We are an
Indonesian registered company that is fully licensed by the relevant government
authorities to perform onshore and offshore facilities and pipeline design,
integrity management and rehabilitation, training, instrumentation and control,
pipeline operation and maintenance and submarine pipelines and structures for
the Indonesian Offshore Oil and Gas Industry.
To fill the needs ofProject Management Project, we
are looking for the following qualified and experienced individuals to join as
1) Project Coordinator
2) Project Control
3) Civil Supervisor
4) Civil Inspector
5) Mechanical Supervisor
6) Mechanical Inspector
7) Instrument Supervisor
8) Electrical Supervisor
Requirements :
1) S1 Engineering
Background in relevant discipline ( No.1, 3-8)
2) Minimum D3/S1 Engineering
Education Background (No.2)
3) Experiences minimum
10 years at the same field in Oil & Gas Company (No.1)
4) Experiences
minimum 7/3 years at the same field in Oil & Gas Company (No.2)
5) Experiences
minimum 5 years at the same field in Oil & Gas Company (N0. 3-8)
6) Experiences
minimum 2 years in Project Management in Oil& Gas project (1-10)
7) Should be expert
with code, standard, and software engineering in relevant discipline.
8) Should have supporting certificates.
9) Should be a team player,multi tasking,passionate,hard
working,detailed oriented, motivated, loyal, and honest.
For those who qualify, send your Application Letter and
Curriculum Vitae. Note the position to proposed,expected
salary,andyour current salary to:
Gedung Menara 165, Lantai 9
JL. TB. Simatupang kav.1, Jakarta Selatan
Website : www.aldaberta.com
1. rochmat.tomi@aldaberta.com
2. f.moko@aldaberta.com
and CC to :
1. afiatmoko.fitriardi@gmail.com
Fitriardi Afiatmoko
Mining Vacancy : Senior Finance with salary max. 9 Million
*WORK LOCATION *: Jakarta Selatan
· 3+ years experience in overall financial statement and report
· Bachelor's degree in Finance, Economy or Accounting
· Having knowledge in capital market regulations
· Excellent command of English
- Permanent employee after 3 month probation
- Offering salary maximum 9 million
*recruitment@imsearchlight.com* <recruitment@imsearchlight.com>
*WORK LOCATION *: Jakarta Selatan
· 3+ years experience in overall financial statement and report
· Bachelor's degree in Finance, Economy or Accounting
· Having knowledge in capital market regulations
· Excellent command of English
- Permanent employee after 3 month probation
- Offering salary maximum 9 million
*recruitment@imsearchlight.com* <recruitment@imsearchlight.com>
Lowongan Kerja : Branch Trucking Coordinator: Semarang and Surabaya
*Branch Trucking Coordinator Semarang & Surabaya*
*Lowongan Kerja*
Kami, sebuah perusahaan Logistics International, yang beroperasi focus
dalam bidang domestic trucking di Indonesia sedang mencari seorang:
Usia 30 - 40 tahun.
Minimal pendidikan S1.
Pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bidang Sales-Marketing dan
Operation truck serta administrasi transportasi truk (mencakup
perencanaan, monitor hingga pembuatan laporan, dan pengawasan kinerja
Menguasai komputer.
Berbahasa Inggris aktif.
Penempatan di Semarang Surabaya.
Kirimkan CV dan foto berwarna terakhir ke:
Human Resource Department
E: idjkt.tcil@gmail.com
Paling lambat 30 September 2013
*Lowongan Kerja*
Kami, sebuah perusahaan Logistics International, yang beroperasi focus
dalam bidang domestic trucking di Indonesia sedang mencari seorang:
Usia 30 - 40 tahun.
Minimal pendidikan S1.
Pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun di bidang Sales-Marketing dan
Operation truck serta administrasi transportasi truk (mencakup
perencanaan, monitor hingga pembuatan laporan, dan pengawasan kinerja
Menguasai komputer.
Berbahasa Inggris aktif.
Penempatan di Semarang Surabaya.
Kirimkan CV dan foto berwarna terakhir ke:
Human Resource Department
E: idjkt.tcil@gmail.com
Paling lambat 30 September 2013
Vacancy for IT Fresh Graduate
KBRis a leading global
engineering, construction and service company supporting the energy,
hydrocarbon, government service and civil infrastructure sectors. To fulfill
the requirements in the recently awarded Projects, the Jakarta Engineering
Office seeks talented and experienced Indonesian nationals to fill the
following positions:
Required education, skills and experience:
1. IT Fresh
Graduate (S1) from reputable IT University with GPA >= 3.0 (scale 4.0)
2. Have some
good basic database knowledge/concept and able to write some SQL statements.
3. Understand
some programming language (.Net, Visual Basic, etc) is a plus
4. English
proficiency requirements (good understanding in verbal and written
communication skills in English)
5. Team
work, result oriented with strong commitment to learn.
1. Good command of both written and spoken
English & Bahasa Indonesia
2. Good communication skills and team player
3. Good HSE Awareness and Trustworthy
4. Willing to take overseas Assignment
Interested candidates
should send their resume in English to:
Email: FJKTREC@kbr.com
Mentioning the position applied in the subject
Not later than 1 week after this advertisement.
attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters and ONLY
SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted
engineering, construction and service company supporting the energy,
hydrocarbon, government service and civil infrastructure sectors. To fulfill
the requirements in the recently awarded Projects, the Jakarta Engineering
Office seeks talented and experienced Indonesian nationals to fill the
following positions:
Required education, skills and experience:
1. IT Fresh
Graduate (S1) from reputable IT University with GPA >= 3.0 (scale 4.0)
2. Have some
good basic database knowledge/concept and able to write some SQL statements.
3. Understand
some programming language (.Net, Visual Basic, etc) is a plus
4. English
proficiency requirements (good understanding in verbal and written
communication skills in English)
5. Team
work, result oriented with strong commitment to learn.
1. Good command of both written and spoken
English & Bahasa Indonesia
2. Good communication skills and team player
3. Good HSE Awareness and Trustworthy
4. Willing to take overseas Assignment
Interested candidates
should send their resume in English to:
Email: FJKTREC@kbr.com
Mentioning the position applied in the subject
Not later than 1 week after this advertisement.
attach scanned certificates, transcripts and reference letters and ONLY
SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted
Sep 11, 2013
Lowongan Puma Energy
Puma Energy International is a rapidly expanding, midstream and downstream oil company operating in 32 countries worldwide. Headquartered in Geneva (Switzerland) with regional offices in Johannesburg (South Africa), San Juan (Puerto Rico) and Singapore, we are a responsible supplier and storage facilitator of high-quality petroleum products and one of the largest independent fuel storage operators.
Indonesia is one of our key market: our focus is on long-term investments and lasting relationships. We are continuously strengthening our capabilities with investment in high quality infrastructure. To achieve our vision and mission together with our great team, we invite talented individual who seek for challenges to join our company.
Teritorry Manager
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: B2B
Experience Desirable: 3 year on same field
Education Desirable: Technic or Management
Main Purpose
Implement the sales activities from the negotiation, sales quote, until delivery to reach the target achievement.
Key Responsibilities
• Implementing Sales plan, controlling and evaluating sales activity on target base, execution of business plans and identify new customers based on sales strategies.
• Support the preparation of negotiations, maintain an update list of prices, evaluate new customer and collate market information.
• Maintain strong long term relationship with customers, plan and organize site visit, problem solving of loading schedules and maintain close and constant communication with operation and, logistic and customer service for better services provision
• Monitor actual performance versus budget, monitor projected sales volume and preparation of sales report
Knowledge Skills and Abilities
• Have a knowledge on Kalimantan Market Area, and has sales experience in Kalimantan
• Ability to Generate sales and profit
• Experience in oil and gas industry
• Good track record in sales.
• Strong negotiation, presentation and communication skills.
• Team player and ability to interact with all levels.
• Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia
Account Manager
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: B2B
Experience Desirable: 1 year on same field
Education Desirable: Technic or Management
Main Purpose
Maintain administrative control of the assigned clients portfolio, as well in goal achievement and in effectiveness to recover values, maintain the credit lines established by the company and making cashing negotiations
Key Responsibilities
• Monitoring, Controlling and evaluating sales activity on target base
• Data Analysis / supporting on negotiation
• execute Business plans and all the norms, standards and commercial procedures of the company
• Prepare direct and indirect sales repot accurate, and on time
• Issue management : Handling customer feedback and resolve issue.
Knowledge Skills and Abilities
• Have a knowledge on Kalimantan Market Area, and has sales experience in Kalimantan
• Good customer relationship
• Team player and ability to interact with all levels.
• Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia
Marine Discharge and HSE Supervisor
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Marine
Experience Desirable: 4 years on same field
Education Desirable: Marine
Main Purpose :
Supervise the entire ship to ship (barge) activities. Perform the supervision of all ship to ship equipment maintenance, contractors and operations staff. Supervises the loading / discharge activities. Reacts to emergencies in an organized manner as per ERP procedures
Key Responsibilities
• Perform all the day to day operations.
• Supervise all Ship to Ship contractors and their tasks and activities.
• Record all the relevant activities in the shift log and fill the necessary data in the log as well as in various records.
• Control and monitor all the oil movement operation on the vessel and barge and supervises the activities of the control room on board the vessel.
Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Must Attend Fire and Safety Training
• Sound knowledge of QHSSE,IMS,SAPS and all other terminal regulations and procedures
• Sound knowledge of Marine tanker operations, Loading Master and other terminal operations
• Sound knowledge of engineering and technical details of the terminal facilities
• Fluent in English
Marine Administration
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Jakarta
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Marine
Experience Desirable: 2 years in terminal operation
Education Desirable: Management, Administration
Main Purpose:
The Back-office Admin activities are Coordination, Implementation, and Documentation control, Voyage stock reconciliation, financial reporting and demurrage reconciliation. Payment, procurement and invoicing documentation control.
Key Responsibilities
• The Back-office Admin activities are Coordination, Implementation, and Documentation control, Voyage stock reconciliation, financial reporting and demurrage reconciliation.
• Documentations and Reports Preparation.
• Adhere to company health, safety and environmental policies and procedures.
• Ensure and control all documentation for Cargo Deliveries custom Declaration activities.
• Handles other responsibilities as directed by Marine Manager
Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Must Attend Fire and Safety Training
• Sound knowledge of QHSSE,IMS,SAPS and all other terminal regulations and procedures
• Sound knowledge of Marine tanker operations, Loading Master and other terminal operations
• Sound knowledge of engineering and technical details of the terminal facilities
• Fluent in English
Terminal Superintendent
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Operation
Experience Desirable: 5 years in terminal operation
Education Desirable: Technic
Main Purpose:
Responsible for managing the operation at the assigned Puma Energy terminal. Comply with the operations business plan and schedule. 100% commitment with the SAPS industrial safety program.
Key Responsibilities
• Coordinate with Commercial Management daily delivery of fuel, by means of the ordering program, one day in advance, so that deliveries are scheduled.
• Review and send to the General Management, Operations Management and Commercial Management daily inventory control, by means of the movement reports.
• Authorize the purchase of tools, materials and equipment by means of quotes and purchase orders, following regional procedures, and in order to keep the Terminal in good working conditions.
• Prepare and review reports concerning the state of condition of the Terminal, based on inspection reports of the Operators delivered by the Shift Supervisor; authorize maintenance or repair programs prepared by the Supervisor.
• Liaison between management and operations by means of reports; maintain good communication flow to ensure all parties involved are fully aware of daily activities and results.
• Authorize fire simulation and /or fuel spillage programs, in coordination with assistance bodies, to prepare the staff to act in case of accidents.
• Coordinate with Operations Management all programs for receiving tankers, including inventory control and consumption projections.
• Coordinate the adequate rotation of the inventory in the tanks of the Terminal.
• Prepare and execute procedures for the discharge from tankers
• Prepare the monthly safety and security report.
• Prepare the monthly safety committee meeting.
Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Must Attend Fire and Safety Training
• Sound knowledge of QHSSE,IMS,SAPS and all other terminal regulations and procedures
• Sound knowledge of Marine tanker operations, Loading Master and other terminal operations
• Sound knowledge of engineering and technical details of the terminal facilities
• Fluent in English
Terminal Administration
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan and Palembang
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Operation
Experience Desirable: 1 years in terminal operation
Education Desirable: Technic or Administration
Main Purpose :
To Administrate all of Terminal activities, such of General Service, Business Support and Finance
Key Responsibilities
• Responsible for the Order Taking, Dispatch Order, Invoice to Customers, Debit/Credit Notes and Invoice for Advanced Sales.
• Responsible for General Service matter for the Terminal Facilities.
• Administers maintenance plan for the Terminal Facilities
• Perform administration for Human Resource, Finance, Business Support, B2B and HSSE for the Terminal
Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Strong understanding of HSSE best practice and procedures and how to apply them in the workplace
• Technical Operations knowledge
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Kalimantan and Palembang
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Operation
Experience Desirable: 1 years in terminal operation
Education Desirable: Technic
Main Purpose:
To operate terminal facility as procedure and work instruction in the activities of truck and vessel loading or unloading.
Key Responsibilities
• To check truck and vessel facility appropriate as procedure.
• To operate and to checking terminal equipment as procedure.
• Run loading and unloading process as procedure.
• To check and administrate stock calculation every day.
• To coordinate with business support department for stock condition.
Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Strong understanding of HSSE best practice and procedures and how to apply them in the workplace
• Technical Operations knowledge
• Stock Calculation
• Loading & Unloading
Finance Manager
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Jakarta
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Finance
Experience Desirable: 10 years as Finance Manager
Education Desirable: Finance and/or Accounting
Main Purpose :
Responsible for financial policies and internal controls. Manage annual budget process, control Costs, Capex, debtors, cash flow, Fixed asset register and archiving. Ensures that all internal and external reporting requirements are met. Responsible for ensuring that local company secretarial requirements are met.
Key Responsibilities :
• Ensuring compliance with Company Secretarial and Statutory Requirements, including accounting standards and policies.
• Ensuring Group Accounts and performance reporting deadlines and requirements are met. Providing financial and non-financial MI to the business.
• Management of in-country function including management of Foreign Exchange, investment and the borrowing funds and relationships with the banks.
• Maintenance of the Internal Control Environment and liaison with internal & external auditors. Ensuring financial infrastructure and systems are maintained.
• Understand and monitor key financial and control risks and ensure mitigations are in place.
• Tax administration & optimization.
• Liaison with Retirement Fund Administrators and Investment Advisors.
• Co-ordinate legal issues and the association with the assistance of Legal Counsel.
Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Accounting Skills
• Associate Tax Reviews
• Business Knowledge
• IT Efficiency
• Leadership Skills
• Numeric & Analytical skills
• Fluent in English and Indonesia language is a must
Project Manager
Contract Type: PUMA Permanent Employee
Location: Jakarta
Employment Type: Full-Time
Job Category: Finance
Experience Desirable: 10 years on Project (Especially on EPC Project)
Education Desirable: Civil Engineering
Main Purpose:
Responsible for launching the Puma brand (which will involve some brand switches) across the territory at Retail Stations, depots and terminals. Design, Construction and Supervision of various petroleum projects. Ensuring timely and satisfactory completion of plans and specifications
Key Responsibilities:
• DESIGN: Produce, agree and manage, with all relevant parties, a realistic design program and information required schedule to satisfy design, procurement and construction requirements.
• PROJECT FINANCING: Be responsible for the communication between the lenders and their technical advisors and the project team. Be responsible and follow up on the budget of the project.
• SUPERVISION: Coordinate project execution activities to ensure that projects are implemented within budget and schedule.
• STANDARDS COMPLIANCE: Ensure compliance of codes, standards, regulation and practices applicable to the design and construction
Knowledge Skills and Abilities :
• Experience with construction, upgrading and renovation of petrol stations
• Negotiating with suppliers and 3rd party contractors to execute the brand visual manifestation
• Network planning of petrol stations
• Project management of similar brand switch programs with other oil companies
• Project management to manage and execute projects on time and within budget
• Fluent English, and Indonesia
• Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, excellent in Power Point and Excel. Photoshop, Flash, and knowledge of other presentation techniques are required
Suitable candidate should submit an application letter together with comprehensive curriculum vitae and within 14 days. To :
Please Fill the position as email subject
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